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   SEEING JUNE AGAIN, unraveled some feelings i thought I had burrowed deep inside me again. It was three months ago since I last spoke to her, it was dinner at her parent's house, and it didn't end very well. Well mostly because of her asshole of a boyfriend, it may or may not have been partially my fault, but certainly mostly his!

Of course I had always had a thing for her, she was beautiful, and stunning, and her smile was just- yeah okay, you get my point.

It burdened me that she chose to be with guys such as Drew, they didn't deserve her. She was way, and I mean way out of their league.

"Helloo! Earth to Callum." My bestfriend Austin, who I also have to mention is June's older brother calls me.

"What's up?" I look up from the book I was definitely reading...

"June is walking this show on Saturday, she asked if I wanted to come and bring someone, and before you say no-"

"Yes." I blurt out. Austin side eyes me for a second before continuing.

"As I was saying, there will be a lot of food there and you know- lots of ladies!" I knew what he was implying, he wanted me to get back out there. It had been 4 years since my last relationship, and that did not end well, at all.

"I'll come for the food," I say, but what I really wanted to say was that I'll come for June, he rolls his eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to die your hair?"

Shit, I totally forgot about that. "Why didn't you remind me before! Mate, it's 10 minutes until my appointment!" I search around my apartment for the car keys, Austin just laughs as he lays sprawled out on my couch.

"Bye Turner, excited to see you in your Ken era!" He tells me before I run out of my apartment. He thinks I will look like Ken once I die my hair blonde, stupid really. I'm doing it for this new role I have coming up next month.


Saturday has arrived, and I'm doing my first show in ages. I'm nervous, I always am. And it's not because of the cameras- the other beautiful models or the many people watching. (Okay maybe it is partly the many people watching)

Right now it is because I just spotted my brother, mostly the person sitting next to my brother, Callum. Again. At this point that man is haunting me. (I'm not too sad about it though)

When I saw him as I piqued through the curtains all I could focus on was his hair. He definitely looks good with his natural hair- but the blonde hair- I'm actually dying inside right now. How am I supposed to walk past that man without looking straight at him?

And then I have to remind myself that he is just a man.

He is just a man June.

I'm so happy Drew couldn't show up today, because if he saw the way I was almost drooling (I am) over the blonde man in the audience, he would be furious as fuck. Or not, as I've said before, 'we don't fight' like ever.

The show soon starts and it's my turn next, although the only thing on my mind is Callum.

He'a just a man.

He's just a man.

He's just a man.

I actually have to stop thinking about him, because if I don't. I don't think I can go through with this show.

I walk on stage. I do my walk, with a little spin and the usual outfit show off. The fact that someone special is looking at me right now, is making me get this extra confidence.

When the show is over, I change into my normal clothes. I run over to Austin, embracing him in a big hug. I let go, and find myself staring at Callum who was already looking at me.

I hug him. He hugs me back. I like how we fit together perfectly, exactly like puzzles-

"You were incredible," he whispers only for me to hear. I hope my cheeks are not flushing red right now. They totally are, I can tell by Callum's expression as he pulls away.

"You were alright," I hear a ratty little dog- I mean Austin say from beside me. I give him an ironic smile.

"I'm starving, you guys up for a snack?"

"You read my mind," they say in unison.

We arrive at a cafe nearby. As we order, Austin magically disappears into the bathroom. "Soo..." I start.

"So where is your boyfriend this evening?" Callum asks, crossing his arms.

"What's with the attitude, darling?" I answer, I can tell he gets flustered by my choice of nickname. Though he quickly recovers.

"I just find it strange that he isn't there to support you, you know?"

I roll my eyes. "Well Austin was there.., you where there? I don't see what the big issue is." I shrug.

"June, Austin is your brother, and I'm not your boyfriend- and if I were I would come to absolutely all of your shows."

I became a bit sat out by his words. "That's you Callum, Drew is not like that, he is busy," I bite my lip. He looks. "I'm busy too, I show up."

I smile, changing the subject for a second. "I like your hair."

"You do?"

"Yeah I really, really like it Callum. You know I-"

I'm cut off by Austin coming back. I mouth a 'another time' to which Callum gives me a fake pout, which I can only laugh at.


𝙀𝙔𝙀𝙎 𝘿𝙊𝙉𝙏 𝙇𝙄𝙀, 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙪𝙢 𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now