Chapter 2

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Elizabeth was walking around the street looking around the neighborhood

Elizabeth: ok by myself in 3 minutes ok

Elizabeth looked around seeing nothing until she heard something

Elizabeth: ?!, huh who's there

Elizabeth was shivering until she heard noises and glass hitting the floor she looked around the neighborhood until

Elizabeth was shivering until she heard noises and glass hitting the floor she looked around the neighborhood until

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Elizabeth gasped a white cat was walking down towards the her

Elizabeth: aw hi little kitten what are you doing here

Elizabeth kneeled down seeing the cat come closer to her purring, meow at her rubbing her fur on her knees she pet her fur again,

Elizabeth: hey buddy where's your parents, are you alone like me too

Elizabeth sniffed again as the kitten went on her lap meowing at her her paws on her chest looking at her eyes Elizabeth gasped of the cat crying

Elizabeth: oh sorry honey-?!

Elizabeth saw alight she looked up to see a car driving up to them Elizabeth gasped in fear seeing headlights she quickly ran behind a box but the car stopped as she shudder again as she heard a car door open, coming closer to her she shudder

Elizabeth: I'm not here, I'm not here oh no

Elizabeth heard the footsteps stopped she looked up she was about to be caught until she gasped

Elizabeth: grandpa Oliver

Oliver: Elizabeth honey, why are you here

Elizabeth: oh uh I was just walking home

Oliver: oh I can drive you there

Elizabeth: oh no need I can walk there

Oliver: you weren't going home

Elizabeth: no I wasn't

Oliver: Elizabeth I'm sorry for not doing anything, I see Henry not doing anything,

Elizabeth: I'm sorry I decided to leave somewhere else, somewhere I won't be a burden

Oliver: Elizabeth your not a burden, you were never a burden, it's ok I actually came to see you

Elizabeth: me why me

Oliver: to be honest I thought I'll have to steal you but this worked

Elizabeth: what

Elizabeth was confused

Oliver: I actually found you a place to stay

Elizabeth: really where, am I gonna stay with you

Oliver: no but I- you see I know this woman for years and she would be delighted to take you in

Elizabeth: really

Oliver: I told her about you and she really wants to help you and she's stubborn heck she'll come here to get you

Elizabeth: oh really what's her name

Oliver: her name is Renata

Elizabeth: oh so how do you know her

Oliver: she actually your auntie

Elizabeth: my auntie who did she marry

Oliver: she married your father twin brother Vincent

Elizabeth: I think you told me about him

Oliver: yep unfortunately we lost Vincent before you guys were born

Elizabeth: oh really I wish I could meet him

Oliver: yeah yeah just don't talk about him in front of Renata she still heartbroken

Elizabeth: oh ok where does she live

Oliver: she lives on the other side of town we should get a head start on it

Elizabeth: oh ok then

Elizabeth grabbed Oliver hand as they walked to his car she went to the passenger seat as Oliver started the car driving away from the street to the woman name Renata house

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