Chapter 2. The Final Chapter

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Chapter 2. The Final Chapter

'Sir Asher, do you want to repeat that?' Javier closed his eyes, sighing. His jaw ticked, veins stressed. We stood in his quarters, a small but comfortable room. I straightened, clasping my hands behind my back.

'I want to be part of Her Grace's guard tomorrow.' I repeated. Lunaria was visiting the temple. It had been three weeks since her father's execution and the discovery that she was pregnant. Naturally, she was going to the temple to receive blessings and prayers for her unborn child. Since it was a ritual for the one carrying the child, Lucien wasn't attending, but he was sending guards with her. It was expected that Javier was part of Lunaria's knights, being the vice captain, no less.

Second to only Lucien, Sir Javier, the Storm Knight. His name was attributed to his speed and intelligence, though I supposed 'Lightning Knight' was too tacky.

'You were always lazy and indolent, now you want to join Her Grace's guard, when everyone thinks you're a loafer?'

'Uhm, isn't 'loafer' a little harsh?'

'That isn't the problem here.' He glared again. Then his face rested, and he sighed. 'The other knights will oppose. No one thinks you're capable. Even those rumours you keep dismissing are only around to spite you.' He clicked his tongue, looking distantly. That plain face of his was contemplating. 'But if it's you...'

'Can't you just put in a good word for me?' I smiled innocently. 'It's your word against theirs. They must respect your decision, Vice Captain.'

'Tsk, when it serves you, you'll call me Vice Captain.' He glanced at me sideways. 'Fine. I'll do it. But as soon as there's an issue, you're being removed.' He grumbled. I felt my shoulders relax.

'... Thank you, Vice Captain. I appreciate it a lot.'

I had joined the guard. Only Javier was crucial to the plot. Every other knight was a nameless background character like myself.

'It shouldn't be an issue.' I assured myself, changing into my uniform on the day of the blessing ritual. A plain black shirt and pants, leather belt and straps, and a dark burgundy cape. I pinned the badge of the Benesse knights to my collar, muttering to myself. 'The final chapter ends without a hitch.'

I walked down the white corridors outside the castle. The morning sun was dim as it rose, the little light it provided occasionally broken by the shadows of large pillars. Then a ruckus of laughter sounded from around the corner.

'You're not serious, right? Why would that guy be joining the guard so suddenly?'

'Vice Captain's orders. What can we do?' Familiar voices spoke.

'That loafer will just get in the way.'

I froze up behind the pillar in stupefaction. Was 'loafer' my tag name now? I felt somewhat irked. Turning the bend, I caught the knights' attention.

'Hello.' Both knights flinched when they heard my voice, shutting their mouths. I couldn't help but smile in satisfaction as they looked at me uncomfortably. Yes, you were caught. 'I'll be joining you today,' I uttered, keeping a friendly expression on my face.

'Oi, you rats.' Sir Javier's voice suddenly rang out lowly. He had a habit of appearing out of nowhere.

'Why are you still standing around here? The Duke will arrive any minute.' Javier glared daggers at the knights. Javier, it wouldn't do us any good to kill us before we complete  our duties. 

'With respect, Vice Captain, I do believe 'rat'  is not an accurate term for me.' The taller and broader of the two knights spoke. If bears could talk, there was one right in front of me. Javier glanced at him menacingly.

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