Chapter 17

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NAMASTE dear reader 🙏

It's been two days gulf has taken to another villa leaving mew alone.
Gulf was in shock after what oat did to him . All he did was cry and cry . But after pete convinced him that he is safe and with him  he felt relieved.

He hugged pete tightly buried his face in his chest and his sobs subsided.
"Gulf baby eat something papa bought sandwich for you" . Gulf refused to eat but after some efforts of pete he ate two sandwiches and fell asleep again.

Pete lightly kissed his forehead and left his room holding a tray which was held by maid as he came out .

"How is he?" Vegas asked who was busy reading newspaper. "He ate only two sandwiches" pete replied in low voice and sat near Vegas.

"Two are still better than nothing" Vegas said raising his hand and stroking Pete's head with love to chase some of his tension.

"Hmm...:pete nodded and hugged him to which Vegas encircled his strong arms around him.

"How is mew?" Pete asked as he being mother cannot forget about his own son but this doesn't mean he will ignore his mistakes.  If he did wrong he have to suffer also.

"Damn! He is out of his mind.  I got information from my men's that he searched for oat and nina after we left after he got to know that I killed oat and threw nina in prison he Is contacting me daily . He wants to kill her with his own hands .  He drinking regularly and searching for ways to meet Gulf" Vegas replied to which pete sheded some tears.

"Let him suffer realize, he also left Gulf alone for one complete month . He will understand how it feels when someone you love leave you alone" pete said tears in his eyes.

"You also made me realize my love for you in same way " Vegas said looking at Pete's eyes. "You were even worse , also stupid and stubborn like mew. Don't you remember what you said me you'll never love a cheap person like mm......"before pete could complete Vega pressed his  warm lips to Pete's  soft lips.

"Shh! Don't speak it again . Everything is alright now my sweet baby" Vegas said and pressed Pete's head to his strong chest.
"I love you" Vegas said to pete and pete smiled and kissed Vegas's hard chest" I love you too" pete spoke and continued to hug him.


On the other hand in a dark room .mew was lying on the large bed alone.  Empty bottles of alcohol can be seen on floor and aroma on floor indicating that the person lying on bed is heavily drunk .

He was in the same room in which Gulf was living from last one month.  He snuggles In pillow to take soft  remaining scent of gulf in it which was fading day by day .

"Hmmm.....Gulf......."mew groaned as he got a whiff of his scent from the bed but when he opened his eyes there was no one he was left alone.

"Gulf......Gulf.....comehere.....I..........I........ are....angry.....with me.....a.....hugg.........piggy...."
Mew mumbled in drunken voice and after some time sleep engulfed him.


Morning 7:00 am

"Gulf....Gulf " wake up look its morning baby pete called in soft voice making gulf open his eyes slowly and look at his papa.

"Good morning" pete said stroking gulf's hair.  "Mmm.....good" morning gulf replied and hugged pete .

"Wake up now, go to washroom and take bath . I have prepared spaghetti and muffins for you" pete said to gulf with a smile to which gulf smiled widely as he heard his favourite dishes and  especially his papa prepared for him.

"Really?" Gulf asked and pete nodded with a chuckle. Gulf immediately went to washroom and took bath . After wearing his new clothes that his papa bought for him but he suddenly remembers about mew and his smile faded thinking about the person he loves selflessly but that person left him alone when needed most, that person trusted outsideers more than him, that person didn't even thought about checking on him whether I'm alive or dead and he will not give in that easily no matter how much mew apologize.  He smiled ( not by his heart) and went down to dinning area.

He has family who loves him , papa and dad who didn't demanded any proof from him to prove his innocence . They truly trusted him and loved him and he will always love them .

"Papa" gulf called pete on lovely voice to which pete smiled . "Come here gulf eat your breakfast" pete said and gulf immediately ran and jumped on pete for a tight hugg.

"What's the Matter today too much hugging" pete asked while chuckling ."I love you papa" gulf said to pete and pete kissed his forehead "I love my baby gulf too much" pete replied making gulf smile and look at vegas who was silently drinking coffee.

Gulf than left pete and immediately jumped on Vegas for hugg" I love you dad" gulf said with a smile hugging Vegas.

"Cough....cough....."Vegas chocked some of his coffee as it was totally unexpected.

" you too" Vegas said lightly stroking gulf's head with serious expression.
"Haha....haha...."pete laughed loudly looking at vegas serious expression.

Wait for next ch
Thanks you 🙂
Bye 👋


NAMASTE dear readers 🙏 I'm currently working on my new story "My Crush Is Fierce Gangster [B×B] " I have posted only intro but I will post chapters soon . Please take a look I hope you  guys will like it .

Thank you.


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