Unhappy Gup

240 21 11

This one is for Love240887
Thanks for still staying with Baby Gup in this journey

At evening:-

Gup was sitting on the sofa with a pouty face.

Sea gave him some popcorn but baby Gup ate less and gave the floor more.

Sea was having a tiring day. Since the morning he's handling a moody, grumpy and unhappy kitten. Whatever he's asking Gup to do he's not listening and throwing tantrums.

It was very hard for him to make Gup eat . He didn't even want to sleep.
At morning Sea noticed Mew going to work with a straight face. Gemini also left without a word.

Sigh ! This father and Son are literally a headache to him.

But as he was super busy from morning with cooking and other household chores he didn't get any time to have a proper talk with Gup.

Now he finished his work and took a seat beside grumpy Gup.

"Soooo P'Gup ! What's happening?"

"Iz Momma Gup fo u", Gup said grumpily.

Sea laughed,"Okay momma. So why are you moody since morning?".

"Y do u wan to kno ? Gup won tell u. Gup have paivacy".

"Awww pwease na mommy Guppie, Pwease tell C", Sea pleaded in a baby voice.

"Itz adutt's tuff", Gup replied like an aged person.

"Huh? Adults' stuff? What is it? Omg I want to know. I'm also adult na ", Sea was surprised but bit his lips to resist the laugh.

Gup looked at Sea.
"Gup Don think cho. But issokay. Gup tell u. Last nitt Mewwie payed a game wit Gup. But Gup no wike it. Mewwie tamelett".

Sea was drinking water and suddenly choked,"Huh? You mean Papa shameless??"

Gup nodded his head.

Sea cleared his throat. He gave a second thought about his plan if he should listen to Gup's story or not.

Well, let's hear it .

"Mewwie pwayed wit Gup body ", Gup continued.

Sea gulped.

After few seconds he hugged Gup softly and said,"Are you hurt baby Phi?"

Gup frowned.
"Y Gup be hwut ? It waz just a bad game Gup no lwike".

Sea broke the hug and looked at Gup.

"Aren't you hurt somewhere?? I mean your.... your.... I mean nothing. Are you sure Papa didn't hurt you ?", Sea was a bit confused.

"No y Mewwie do that. He wuv Gup."

"Then what did he do ??", Sea narrowed his eyes.

"He took off hiz own and Gup cwothes. Gup think coz it waz hot last nitt. Then he kiss Gup lip, chweek , belly .... whole bodyyy. He lick Gup nipple ....ahoiiii Gup waz twicklich . And then Mewwie took off hiz pant and ask Gup to gwabb hiz little Mew and ......"

Ahemmmm ahemmmm!!!!

Sea coughed suddenly cutting Gup's sentence.

Gup handed him the water bottle .

MG: 10 years of love ( Sequel of "Baby Wifey")Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ