Flashbacks *_*

247 27 35

I know I'm super late...
A lot of things are happening too. But I don't want to say something which might sound like an excuse.
Anyway, those who are still waiting I'm very happy. Here is the answer to the questions from you all....

This chapter is for BlackMoon267
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts phi, appreciate the support.


3 years ago:

"Wowwww long time no sea!!!", Gemini exclaimed.

"But I thought you were not so fond of the sea? I thought your favourite is Hills", Mew looked at Gemini and gave a teasing smile.

Gulf laughed,"His Faen's favourite is now his favourite don't you know MewMew? Stop teasing him".

Fourth shyly smiled.

He's a sea lover . So is his boyfriend.

"Okay okay, now come on ! Let's go to the sea ", Gemini took Fourth's hand and ran to the sea.

Mew chuckled looking at them.

It's been 7 years they are in love.

And also 7 years of his marriage with Gulf.

His broken nest is now always full with birds' chirping. He feels so warm.

His career is good now, Gem is also working successfully. Fourth too. May be not yet that successful yet but trying. Even his Gulf also fulfilled his own dreams. Mew himself is a fan of Gulf's painting.

He always offers that he can buy all the painting of his baby wife with high price but his baby wife said he doesn't want a broke husband at this young age.

They giggle together.....

Happiest part is always Gup.

The whole family is happy to have baby Gup till now. Whenever he comes with his "Mewwie" , Mew feels so relaxed! So calm that he thinks there is no sin on the earth he can't forgive....

They might be busy but after all they are three who are always ready to take care of baby Gup .

No matter how much work Mew has , he can't think that Gup needs a caregiver. He even brings him to his office sometimes and play during the break . He's never tired of taking care of him.

Today is their 7th anniversary and they planned this trip to Phuket to celebrate it.

Mew isn't young anymore but looking at his baby Wifey he wants to run to the sea with him too.

"Don't go that Far Gem ", Gulf shouted at Gemini who was going too far from the shore with Fourth , where the big waves were arousing.

"Let them be, they are not kids", Mew smiled and back hugged his Gulf while sniffing his neck.

Little waves were touching their feet.

The day was sunny but not too hot.

They liked to busk in the sun and dream .

Dreaming of a happy life journey......

But the dream broke with a loud call....

"Papa ! C-Can't find F-Fourth !! Please help! Please", Gemini came to them like a mad person who was panting and sobbing at the same time.

MG: 10 years of love ( Sequel of "Baby Wifey")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant