Chapter 1: Discovery

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     Father used to say that the world was held together by strings—delicate threads woven into a complex tapestry. Pull one string, and the whole thing could unravel. When I was a child, I thought it was a metaphor for how one small action could have far-reaching consequences. Now, as I crouched behind the crumbling wall of our house, my ears rang from the gunshots piercing through the wooden frame of our home.

My dad held me in his arms as we ran across the room to get my brother. I can feel the blood dripping on my face from my father's neck, I didn't cry maybe because I don't know what's happening. But then the distant rumble of explosions sent shivers down my spine. Smoke curled into the ceiling, turning the white paint into a dim orb of just black. My hands trembled as I tightened my grip on my father's shirt. I peered through a gap in the wall, watching the soldiers move through the rubble-strewn streets below. They were like ants, scurrying in formation, searching for something—someone.

That moment I realized, it was me. Then a memory flash into my eyes like an old film crashing into my thoughts.

It was a warm summer day, the kind that made the air shimmer with heat in the Philippines. I sat on the porch, my legs swinging back and forth as I hummed my favorite song. I also had my favorite book in my lap, one about magical creatures and distant lands. Dad was inside, preparing breakfast. The scent of bacon drifted through the open window, mingling with the sweet aroma of the toast-bread that climbed up my nose.

I looked up at the sky, watching a single blackbird circle overhead. I felt a connection to it, as if I could sense its energy in the air. Without knowing why, I closed her eyes and imagined the bird coming to me, perching on the wooden railing beside me. I didn't think much of it—it was just a playful thought, a child’s imagination.

But when I opened my eyes, the blackbird was there, sitting on the railing. It cocked its head, looking at me with curious eyes. I was stunned, my heart racing with excitement. "Hello there," I said softly, reaching out my hand. The bird didn't flinch, as if it had been expecting me.

I tried it again. This time, I focused on a Maya bird that sat high in a nearby tree. I imagined it flying down, joining the blackbird. Within seconds, the Maya fluttered down and landed on the railing. I laughed, delighted by the little brown bird's arrival.

Then I imagined more. I envisioned a flock of birds filling the backyard—robins, crows, pigeons, and doves. As if answering a silent call, they came. First a few, then dozens, and finally hundreds of birds filled the trees and covered the ground, chirping and singing in a harmonious cacophony.

Dad stepped out onto the porch, with a spatula in hand. "Faith, what on earth...?" His voice trailed off as he saw the scene before him. Birds everywhere, filling the trees, the porch, the yard. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

I looked at him with wide eyes, my excitement mingling with a hint of fear. "Dad, I think I did this," I said, my voice barely a whisper.

Dad set down the spatula and crouched beside me. My father looked at the birds, then shifted his gaze on me, his expression a mix of awe and concern. "How, sweetie? How did you do this?"

I shrugged, feeling a surge of energy coursing through me. I didn't know how to explain it; it was just something I felt, something deep inside me that I could control. "I just... thought about it. And then they came."

Dad took a deep breath, trying to process what he was witnessing. He'd always told me I was special, but this was beyond anything he could have imagined. "We should talk about this, Faith," he said gently. "But first, let's send our little friends back home, okay? I don't think the neighbors will be too happy with a backyard full of birds."

Faith nodded, smiling at the birds as I closed my eyes. I imagined them flying away, returning to the trees and the sky where they belonged. One by one, they took off, a flurry of wings and feathers, until the yard was quiet once more.

Dad hugged me tightly, holding me close. "We'll figure this out, Faith," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You have something special, and we have to make sure we use it the right way."

I nodded, hugging my father back. I knew I
I was special, but I didn't yet understand what that truly meant. The birds were just the beginning.

"Faith... "

I can't seem to understand everything. But then I am blaming myself for all of this.


I saw my father's worried face as the memories slowly depleted in my mind. He was bloody and tired. I can feel his pain, I can literally feel it in my own skin.

"Take this, and don't ever come out. Wait for the explosion. Kenn, take care of your sister. "

He kissed our foreheads before slowly closing the door of the hidden chamber behind our cabinet. Amidst of chaos, dad showed us his bright smiling face, like telling us that everything will be okay. And in one single phrase before dark ate up the light in a small space where we are hiding, I know that it will never be the same as it was before.

"I love you"

And everything turned black.

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