10 Easy Ways to Save Money and Help the Planet

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March 2024

Many of us know that our impact on the planet is making the environment suffer and cause many negative impacts such as global warming, accelerated climate change, deforestation, habitat loss, the extinction of species... I could go on.

But today I am not going to just talk about environmental issues, I am going to address the powerful questions;

What can we do to help the planet?How can I make a difference?

I am going to shift the focus away from governments and put the power back in our hands. We don't need to rely on others to do the right thing. We can do the right thing. We can take responsibility for our home, making sure it's a safe sanctuary for all of the beautiful life around us and ensure that it is a sustainable world for future generations.

Realistically, many of us do not have the time, money or resources to help the planet in a drastic way. That's okay – we just do what we can. However, there are some small changes that we can make to our daily lives that require little time and effort and can also help us to lower costs.

1. Reduce our water footprint – Take less baths, have showers instead, turn off the tap when you're not using it. This also helps us to save money, so that's a bonus!

2. Reduce our carbon footprint – walk, cycle, take the bus or consider buying an electric car.

3. Save electricity by turning off lights when you don't need them.

4. Recycling – this is very quick and easy to do. Instead of putting plastic in one bin, put it in the bin next to it!

5. Upcycling – this is good fun if you're a DIY enthusiast like me! You can turn old jars into plant pots, candles or use them for storage. Get creative!

6. Research into the brands you're supporting and know what you're buying. Many companies use cheap or unhealthy ingredients masked behind good advertising – don't let it fool you!

7. If you have a bit more time on your hands, you can consider cleanups, volunteer work, tree planting, and so on.

8. Grow your own produce. You don't necessarily need a garden to do this, you can make do with some plant pots and choose some easy-to-grow fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, tomatoes and peppers¹. This allows you to become a more independent and sustainable consumer which saves money and helps the planet.

9. Waste less – did you know that the UK throws out 173 million bags of salad every year?² That is a lot of waste from just one kind of food. I have found it difficult not to waste food especially if I was busy, but I have found that planning meals out carefully and using up food in the fridge before you buy more helps.

10. Eat sustainably – try and eat less meat as this industry produces a large carbon and water footprint. Beef, for instance, needs a massive 1,850 gallons of water per pound, compared to tofu needing only 303 gallons per pound, or potatoes at 35 gallons per pound³. Choose foods with smaller water footprints like fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and lentils.

Now, you may be thinking, if I choose to do some of these, surely it won't make a big difference? But costs add up and you will be surprised at the impact you can make. Let's take a look at the statistics;

- In 2021, the cost for meat per household in the US was an average of $1,115.⁴ A lot of this money could be saved by buying plant-based products instead.

- If you choose to cycle, you can have 84% lower Co2 emissions from all daily travel,⁵ compared to non-cyclists.

- The average household throws away 13,000 pieces of paper each year,⁶ which could easily be recycled.

The Bottom Line

What you do matters. If you choose to make some small changes to help the planet and lower personal spending, then you are making a difference to your life, which is a powerful thing. Focus on what you can control and the impact that you're having and who knows? You might inspire others around you to do the same.


¹ The easiest fruits and vegetables to grow for beginners (no date) GardenTech. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2024).

² Ryan, R. (2024) Top 10 sustainable foods, BBC Good Food. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2024).

³ Link, K. (2022) What you eat has a water footprint, FoodPrint. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2024).

Food spending: 2021 – rural migration news blog: Migration dialogue (no date) Food Spending: 2021 – Rural Migration News Blog | Migration Dialogue. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2024).

The case for cycling: Tackling climate change (no date) Cycling UK. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2024).

Recycling statistics (no date) Recycling and Sustainability. Available at: (Accessed: 14 February 2024).

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