Russian Roulette: Ciel x Male Reader

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*Noble/Sire are your honorifics*


The room was somewhat lit, a few candles still flickered in the halls. Ciel was sitting across from you at a table. However even underneath the soft glow of the candles, you felt uncomfortable silence. Ciel sifted through papers and snuck a peek at you, noting your tension.

"Is something the matter, sire? Your expression speaks as if you've seen the grim reaper." Ciel said through the quiet aroma. You jump, slightly startled.

"Oh, nothing my lord." You fidgeted with your hands. Ciel looked back down at the documents and flipped a page.

"Relax, it's too late for me to care anyway." Ciel's eye was blank. It was a little daunting. You still didn't know how to address Ciel. You were business partners with his company but you couldn't tell if Ciel actually cared about your work. He never really said much. You had been business partners with him for months now and profit was slowly increasing for you and for the Phantomhive name. However no matter how much money Ciel made, he didn't seem to care much about his success.

You try not to think too hard about it. After all, if the partnership was making you more profit, that's all that would matter in the end. Even though your relationship with Ciel was strictly business related, you couldn't help but be curious about his personal life. You wanted to be part of it and that curiosity only grew with the passing days. You had heard many rumors of other companies seemingly disappearing overnight and how the "Phantomhive" name alone would swallow any competition the minute they went against Ciel's wishes. It intrigued you more than it frightened you. In fact, last month when you were visiting the Phantomhive estate on your monthly strategy meetings with Ciel, you secretly witnessed Ciel's contract seal. He gave Sebastian a direct order and you watched in disbelief as everything unfolded. You were also 100% sure Sebastian knew that you were watching but were mystified as to why he didn't tell Ciel. You thought for sure Ciel would ban you — or maybe even kill you if he found out.

"What's up with you? You know it's quite rude to stare, noble." Ciel spoke again. You quickly looked down, trying your best to focus on something else. You didn't realize you were staring at all.

"I'm fine, my lord." You reply, unsure of what else to say. Ciel's expression changed as he furrowed his brow.

"Noble. Look at me when you speak to me." Ciel said sternly.

"I think I understand. You want to change our partnership? Well, I think not."  Ciel said back, possibly offended, you couldn't tell. You hesitated for a moment, but sat upright, your eyes meeting his. Your gaze lingered on each-other for a while before Ciel stood abruptly and broke the connection.

"Accompany me and take these documents to my office. Then, you are free to go whenever you would like."  Ciel told you, a hint of distaste in his words. You began to collect a few papers, a little upset that Ciel was indirectly telling you to leave. You wanted to stay with him longer.

"Sire, please focus while we are working. This meeting with you has been most unpleasant. I thought you would make better company than this." Ciel looked back at you with an annoyed face as he spoke.

"Go on noble, or we can end this now. I don't wish to waste my time if you are uninterested in the Phantomhive affairs. Understand?" Ciel said coldly, which made you even more angry. But then you remembered that Ciel was very impatient in general and the right thing to do wasn't to get angry back.

"Understood, lord Ciel." You nodded and stood, helping Ciel bring some of the paperwork into his office.

"I apologize, sir..." You say calmly as you follow in Ciel's cold footsteps. His shadow looked so long and forlorn in the candle-lit hallway. You figured that Ciel was always so rigid because he was lonely. It made you even that much more inclined to probe deeper into his personal life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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