Chapter 1: (Not) Good Vibrations

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Dear readers,

This story was originally published in 2019 in novel format and it is Book 1 of 2 in the Lightning Touch series. I have recently rearranged all the scenes and chapters to make it more enjoyable as a serial story. I have not rewritten the story. I hope you enjoy both books in the series.

As previously stated, this is a sample of the first 4 chapters. To read up to chapter 11 for free, you can go to and follow me on Ream.

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The screen on the Navigational Computer flashed red in the top right corner and my heart stuttered. It would've taken a fraction of a second to bring up the following warning message, but to me, it felt like minutes.


This was the part of my job that I hated.

There was ground movement predicted in the area. Strong ground movement. They estimated a 4.5 on the meter, complete with aftershocks.

"Javolo?" My heart was pounding in my throat and I could hardly push the word out.

"Yeah?" His voice sounded extra scratchy over the Com system today.

I could feel a cold sweat forming on my forehead. "You need to hang on to something. You're about to get a four point five."

"Okay, Cal. Will do."

Another thing I couldn't stand was the wait. I couldn't breathe properly. I tried to sit still in my seat and calm down. It didn't work. It never worked. If they knew how badly the quakes affected me, I'd lose my job instantly.

Breathe... Just breathe. In. Out. In. Out.

My hands were shaking so badly that I shoved them under my thighs to stop them.

"Are you somewhere relatively safe?" I could hear the tremor in my voice and hoped the distortion through the Com would hide it.


I resisted the urge to ask Javolo if he felt anything yet. I couldn't ask any questions that could give away how I was really feeling. I had to appear calm. They recorded all conversations.

In. Out. Relax...

I wasn't scared for me. I was safe and sound in my little cubicle up on the space station while Javolo was underground down on the planet, Kronos, mining the universe's most sort-after mineral, Amakio, and putting his life on the line. I was scared for him, and all of the other Diggers down there.

Most of the quakes on the planet were minor, and there had only been one partial collapse of one of the tunnels since I'd started working for Katoa Intergalactic Mining and Exploration five months before, but that knowledge didn't help to ease my panic every time it happened.

"Okay, here it comes..."

My heart stopped, I was sure of it. Then galloped ahead full speed as I waited.

Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Relax... Let go of the desk... Relax... Start with your fingers and toes...

I kept trying to relax, one part of me at a time. Maybe it helped. I couldn't tell.

Why did I even apply for this job in the first place? Yeah, I know. I gotta start somewhere and work my way up... But I don't think I can handle this. Panicking every time I see those words on the screen... I couldn't cope if something happened to Javolo... He's my friend... My best friend.

Touch of Lightning (Lightning Touch Book 1) - Excerpt: First 4 ChaptersWhere stories live. Discover now