chapter 1

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In a cozy living room, adorned with military memorabilia

a group of army officers gathered around a coffee table littered with maps, files, and cups of steaming coffee.

Colonel Rajesh, a stern-looking man with graying hair, presided over the meeting

while Major prakash , Captain dev  sat around him.

"Gentlemen, our mission is clear. The mafia has been running rampant in our city for too long. It's time we put an end to their reign of terror." Colonel Rajesh said

"Sir, we've gathered intel on their operations, but they're elusive. They operate in the shadows, making it difficult to pin them down." Major prakash replied

"We need a strategy that hits them where it hurts the most. Financially, they're vulnerable. Cut off their cash flow, and we cripple their operations." Captain dev said

"I've been working on tracking their money trails. They've got investments in legitimate businesses, but there are loopholes we can exploit." Other person said

Colonel  nodded, impressed by his  insight.

"Good work, Ryan . Let's dig deeper into those financial records " He said with a proud smile

" Patel, I want you to coordinate with local law enforcement. We need their support to raid key locations simultaneously." Colonel said

"Sir, what about their leaders? We need to take them out to dismantle the organization." Major prakash replied

"Prakasg , I want you to lead a covert team to gather intel on their top brass. We'll hit them hard and fast, but we need to be sure we have the right targets." Conolonel replied

The officers nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of their mission.

"Understood, sir. We'll move swiftly and decisively." Major prakash said

"Sir, what about the civilians caught in the crossfire? We need to minimize collateral damage." Captain dev askyd

"Our priority is the safety of the civilians. We'll plan our operations meticulously to avoid any unnecessary risks." Conolonel replied

"And what about public support, sir? If we're going after a powerful mafia, we'll need the people on our side." Ryan asked

"Johnson, I want you to work on a media strategy. We need to inform the public about our efforts and assure them that we're working to make their city safer." Colonel replied

As the meeting progressed, the officers ironed out the details of their operation, each contributing their expertise to the plan. Despite the challenges ahead, they were determined to bring down the mafia and restore peace to their city.

Hours later, as the meeting concluded, the officers left Captain dev's house with a renewed sense of purpose.

They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but with their collective skills and determination, they were ready to take on the mafia and emerge victorious.

Dev sat in his study, surrounded by books and papers, his mind consumed by the weight of the upcoming operation against the mafia.

Lost in thought, he barely noticed when his daughter Roop burst into the room, her face lit up with excitement.

"Dad, look! I scored 90% marks!" Roop exclaimed in happiness

Dev looked up, his stern expression softening as he saw the joy radiating from his daughter's face.

He set aside his papers and embraced her tightly.

"Roop, that's incredible! I'm so proud of you!" He said with a proud smoke

Roop beamed with pride, clutching her report card in her hands.

"I studied really hard for this, Dad. I wanted to make you proud." Roop said with huge grin

Dev brushed a strand of hair from her face, his heart swelling with love for his daughter.

"You've exceeded my expectations, Roop. Your hard work has paid off." Dev smiled looking at her

"Can we celebrate, Dad? Maybe go out for ice cream?" Roop asked like a small kid

Dev glanced at the clock, his mind still preoccupied with the mission ahead. But seeing the sparkle in Roop's eyes, he couldn't resist.

"Of course, sweetheart. Let's go celebrate your achievement." Dev said and got up from his seat from him roop is most important, the army officers are like duty first then family but he lost his wife due to that slogan

Now daughter first then duty. He can do anything for roop

Together father and daughter left the study, leaving behind the weight of their worries for a moment of joy and celebration.

As they stepped out into the evening air, Dev couldn't help but feel grateful for the light that Roop brought into his life, reminding him of what truly mattered amidst the chaos of their world.

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