Divisible Into Three

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Jessica had taken her time dressing for supper. It had been awhile since she wore anything quite that delicate. There was a light rouge on her cheeks and oil on her lips.

Navi was adjusting final details. "Anymore fussing, Khaleesi, and we'll miss supper."

Jessica sighed and rose. "I'm not that -"

Navi pulled her up. "It's food with your husband, a tall woman and the man with no emotion. Try to have fun."

Jessica gave Navi a smirk and left the chambers. She could hear Roose Bolton talking as she entered the great hall. Jaime finally had some color back to him, and poor Brienne was in a dress.

Roose looked to Brienne. "I see my men have finally found you something appropriate to wear."

Brienne gave a short nod. "Yes. Most kind of them. You're a Stark bannerman, Lord Bolton. I am acting on Lady Stark's orders to return Jaime Lannister to King's Landing."

Roose took a drink. "When King Robb left Harrenhal, his mother was his prisoner. If she wasn't his mother, he'd have hanged her for treason."

"What did you say my twin was doing, my lord?" Jessica now made her presence known.

Jessica smiled knowing she commanded the room. Her gown was of a deep winter blue. A ladder motif traveled up both arms and around the collar bone that complimented her in both style and color. Her hair was pulled half up with ringlets of dark brown laying around her shoulders.

Roose stood the moment he saw her, and Brienne followed suit. "Your Grace." He gave a bow of his head.

Jessica looked down at Jaime, as he still sat. His eyes trailed up and down the dress. His lips were parted in an awed smirk. He gave a single chuckle. Jaime reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. "Well don't you look stunning, My Love."

Jessica grin stretched from ear to ear. "You should probably stand before you send Lord Bolton into hysteria."

"I probably should." Jaime admitted, grinning. "I probably should have a kiss first."

A giggle escaped her lips, but she leaned down and pecked Jaime on the lips. He went to deepen the kiss, but Jessica straightened up, shaking her head.

Jaime stood and took her hand, helping her into her seat, then took his own once again.

"Now you said Robb was keeping our mother prisoner, my lord?" Jessica looked over to Roose Bolton.

Roose took his seat and gave a nod of his head. "I'm afraid to have to be the one to inform you, Your Grace. When your mother decided to free Jaime Lannister, your -"

Roose stopped and looked at her. He took a breath and shook his head. "They weren't your mother's orders at all were they, Your Grace?"

"No, my lord." Jessica gave a smile taking a drink of wine. "They most certainly were not."

Roose nodded, taking a long drink. "I thought as much, but when I brought these concerns to your twin, he assured me you were nothing more than a distraught wife, and 'innocent young maiden,' I believe were his exact words."

Jessica choked back a laugh, covering it up with a drink.

Roose turned his attention to Jaime. "I should send you back to Robb Stark."

Jaime examined his piece of meat before plopping it into his mouth. "You should. But instead you're sitting here watching me fail at dinner. Why might that be?"

"Wars cost money." Roose stated simply. "Many people would pay a great deal for you."

"We know who would pay the most." Jaime rebuttaled. "Or make you pay the most if he found out yoy had captured me and sent me back up north for a summary execution."

"You're right." Roose agreed. "Perhaps the safest thing to do is to kill both you and your...companion and burn your bodies."

"Lord Bolton." Jessica warned.

He eyed her carefully, but Jaime simply reached over, and laid his hand over Jessica's.

"It would be," Jaime continued the conversation. "If you honestly believed my father would never find out about it."

A smiled tugged at Roose's lips. "King Robb is keeping your father quite busy. He doesn't have time for anything else."

Jaime looked at Roose evenly. "He'll make time for you."

Roose gave a curt nod a moment later. "As soon as you're well enough to travel, I will allow you to go to King's Landing as restitution for the mistakes my soldiers made. And you will swear to tell your father the truth, that I had nothing to do with your maiming."

Jaime let go of Jessica's hand and reached for the pitcher. "Shall we drink on it?"

Roose held his hand over his glass. "I don't partake."

Jaime shrugged and refilled his, Jessica's and Brienne's. "You do know how suspicious that is to ordinary people? Very well. My lady, may our journey continue without further incident."

Roose folded his hands. "Oh she won't be going with you."

The three of them froze. But Brienne spoke first. "I am charged with bringing Ser Jaime to -"

Roose cut her off. "Your are charged with abetting treason."

"Then her charges are acquitted." Jessica stated quite coldly.

"They are not your charges, Your Grace, you cannot go against your king's orders."

Jessica leaned back in her chair and folded her arms, staring Roose down.

Jaime jumped in before his wife could commit murder. "I'm afraid I must insist."

Roose kept a neutral face. "You are in no place to insist on anything. I would have hoped you learned your lesson about overplaying your position."

Jaime gave a nod. "So just Jessica and myself then. A nice little romantic -"

"Her Grace is not traveling with you either."

Jaime dropped his fork onto his plate. "Excuse me?"

"Her Grace is to be returned to her twin." He looked to Jessica. "Forgive me, Your Grace, I would have hoped to do this in private. Your twin has become quite feral without you by his side. I need you to go and subdue him if we have a chance at winning this war without a northern mutiny."

Jessica picked up her glass and took a long drink. "Dare I ask about Lord Umber or Lord Karstark?"

Roose took a breath. "Lord Umber has been looking for a way out since your twin entered Harrenhal. I just received word just before supper your twin executed Lord Karstark for treason."

Jessica nodded. "No one has been around to advise my twin?"

"His wife." Lord Bolton shrugged.

Jessica huffed. "I'm sorry I missed Robb being dragged down the aisle to the poor Frey girl."

"He didn't marry the Frey girl." Roose stated flatly.


Jessica's tone was growing colder and she was staring into her cup for quite a long time.

Jaime rent to reach over to check on his wife. "My Love -"

"THE AUDACITY!" Jessica finally looked up at Roose Bolton. "I had a bridge! I had a beautiful bridge that me and my people could cross whenever we so well pleased! We can't win without that bridge. What does Lord Walder Frey expect now, for me to marry one of his sons?! And for what? All because Robert Stark fell in love! Well guess what, I fell in love as well, but was I afforded such luxary?! No, you all see who I was saddled with for a husband!"

"Hey." Jaime looked over at her. He tucked her hair behind her ears, then took her hand and placed it on his lap, while her breathing was still hard and labored.

He looked to Roose Bolton. "Do you see what you've done now? You've gone and upset my wife when she was in a perfectly content mood."

"You still have a bridge Little Wolf. The war is still being fought."

Roose reached over and took her free hand giving it a little pat. "Your Uncle Edmure is taking your twin's place. Tomorrow you and I ride for the Twins."

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