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[Noah's pov]

I'm leaving the party and just thinking 


It started out so good but then he got drunk and just...ugh

I can't believe he said that. Did he think it was romantic?, because it's not.

And I just know he was honest. I thought I could have finally had the perfect relationship I always wanted but I guess not. 

The next morning 

I wake up to a text from Charlie 


I text back "hey man what was going on last night"

"When we kissed?, or after that"

"No not the kiss"


"You said something while you were drunk"

"i wish you were a girl sometimes"

"Yeah I remember" I say "I'm just kinda curious like what do you mean by that"

"What I mean is" he responds "I feel like I like you the way i like girls, but im not supposed to because..."

"????" I text 

"Sorry man im just very confused because before last night I never thought I could be gay or anything"

"Well what do you think"

"Well I don't want to be gay"


"Like I can't understand the fact I might like you."

"Might???, dog you kissed me?? Was that just a failed experiment or what??"

"No I didn't mean it like that I just..I don't know man...I just ...can't be gay. I like girls I know that."

"Okay this conversation is getting annoying, you either like dudes or not."

"Idk" Charlie replies to me

I'm so sick of this conversation. I thought we actually had something but I guess he doesn't even accept himself enough to accept I'm not , nor will I ever be, a girl. He's doesn't understand how much this affects me especially because of what happened 3 years ago.

I'm so sick of no one understanding how this works 

I turn off my phone then just lay down until I cry.

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now