The realization

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[back to Charlie's pov]

What the hell did I just do. I'm not gay. I'm not even gay. Why did I do that? Am I an idiot? I get up and rush to the bathroom of the house and stare in the mirror. I don't know how to feel.

 I just stare at myself and fix the part of my hair Noah messed up. The worst part is .....I started it. I initiated it. And I liked it. I don't even know what to do now. I sit on the floor and just think to myself 

"What did I just do"

"What did I just do"

"What did I just do"

Until I hear a knock 


"It's me Noah..."

"Can i come in"

I get up and I open the door letting him in and hearing a relieved sigh


"That was.....interesting" says Noah

I say quickly "I'm so sorry Noah I honestly don't get why I did that and I'm so sorry and I fully understand if you hate me and never want to talk to me-"

 I get interrupted by Noah grabbing my sweater and pulling me in for a kiss. This time doesn't seem as stressful as last time. It feels like all my issues are dissolving in mid air. The only people on this earth is me and him. 

He lets go of me and takes a breath.

"was that okay?" He ask me


"now," he says "are you okay?"


"Wanna go back to the party?"


"Now what do you want to do then"

"I want to sit." I say , "with you."

"I'm okay with that" he says and plots his body on the wall next to me.

And we just sit there. Doing nothing but talking until we both get tired. We just sit in silence for what feels like hours. The party seems to die down when I get sleepy from the emotional events of today. As I'm sitting my head falls onto Noah shoulders and I'm too tired to keep anything else in my head from busting out. 


"Yea char?"

"I wish you were a girl sometimes"

"Because I really like you ,Noah, Like I like like you"

I hear a sigh come from Noah as he stands up and gets me off him.

"Okay your drunk let's get you home man" says Noah 

"I may be drunk but I'm truthful"

He walks me to couch and places me there. 

"I had fun ,Charlie" Noah says

"Me too" I say to him in response 

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя