The home work

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I'm walking home alone when I text Noah 

"So when are we meeting up to do this?"

"whenever I guess"

"Rn good?"

"I mean- i guess im not busy or nothing"

"Bet send me your address I'll be there lickity split!"

I giggle and walk to the address sent to me 

Once I follow the directions the instructions gave me I look up to see a torn down bullet holed trailer 

"This can't be it, He's a VALEDICTORIAN. I thought he'd be rich or something."

I walk up the the trailer and knock on the broken door to hear running and finally see Noah opening up the door with 2 little kids beside him

"Oh hey you got here fast"

"Your like a mile away from my house"

"Damn never noticed, let me go settle my siblings then you can come right in"

He closes the screen door while I hear playful yelling coming from the little kids one boy , one girl. After about 5 minutes pass he opens the door back up and I come inside.

I look around his not messy but cluttered house in amazement. It's tidy but messy enough from 2 little kids.

"Don't mind the mess"

"No I'mma mind it" I say jokey rolling my eyes

We both burst into small chuckles then stop after we realize we are laughing 

"So" I say "valedictorian?"

"Yeah i guess, I didn't even know until last week"

"Don't think your better then me because some certificate says you are" I say to him 

"Oh I don't think," Noah says "i know I'm smarter then you"

I punch his shoulder with a hurtful intention at first that slowly faded into a teasing intention

"so what's your gpa?" I tell him

"Apparently like 4.0 on the dot" 

I stand perfectly still with my face going white in anger slash confusion



"Bro" I say frustrated "Mine too."

"Oh cool man"

"no," I say "no no no not "cool man" I've worked hard to get the highest gpa in the 11 grade! Now here I am finding out my work paid off but not well enough to actually get me valedictorian. If I was just a little smart I actually could if made it but now some stupid gay boy is in my way? No not cool." I say quickly, loudly , in-raged without thinking

Noah stares blankly at me without saying a peep. I can tell my comment made him uncomfortable. I stare at the floor while I can tell he's staring at my eyes. I don't know what to say or do. I feel bad for not thinking it's a bad habit I do at times.

The silence suddenly breaks when I hear him silently ask, "how do you know about that."

I just honestly reply, "Ben told you tried to kiss some guy at a party for staring at you."

"Not staring," he says "leading me on. There's a difference. The whole year he was obviously flirting with me he just didn't want me to kiss him in front of his "popular" friends, then just from doing that I got picked on until everyone forgot; hints hints it took all of freshman year for them to forget"

"Oh damn man" I say with lack of response

"Can we just get this over with so you can go?" He says awkwardly

Once we finish our work within 30 minutes I leave. While walking pass the door I can hear from the distance the little girl mock Noah "oooo is that your boyfriend" then I hear his reply "no, uh no, just a frien-" he takes a pause then my guilt come back way worse when he interrupts himself "just a school partner."

I walk home soaked in guilt I text Ben 

"Just came from Noah's house"

Ben reply's, "he didn't try and kiss you, did he?"

"Not funny"

"Kinda funny" 

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt