Jim stood, crossing his arms. Who would stay if they went through with this? It would be volunteer only. He wouldn't make people's decisions for them. The group could be small too, maybe only a handful of their total numbers since Trollmarket was still here. So was HexTech.

"If we're splitting up," Jim said. "We need a clear way of communication, just in case. Douxie?"

Douxie had been watching silently, standing close to Carter. But upon Jim calling for him, he reached a hand into his space-pocket and pulled out a cluster of necklaces. "A little project I've been working on. These act as communication devices, as well as homing signals/emergency call buttons." He started handing them out. They were simple gemstones strung on thin leather cords. All the gemstones were color coordinated, naturally. Douxie loved his aesthetics. "You can speak into them kind of like a walkie-talkie. Everyone is on the same 'channel', though the message will go only to the intended recipient if you don't want to speak to the whole group at once."

"Nice," Steve grinned, slipping his dark blue necklace around his neck.

"So," Jim addressed the group. "Who's staying?"

They exchanged glances, none too eager to speak up immediately. This was a hard decision. But then,

"I will." Aanya decided. "I—"

"Volunteer as tribute?" Jamie snarked.

She smacked him.

Jim suppressed a smile, ignoring his frosty friend's shout of protest. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Aanya said firmly.. "You're right. Someone needs to stay here. To protect Arcadia."

Jim pursed his lips. "What about the prophecy?"

"Fuck the prophecy," she stated plainly, brows furrowing. "The gods don't get to tell us what to do. You need someone to stay here. I volunteer."

"I second that," Laura offered. "Besides, we're only a shadow portal away, right?"

"Right." Jim muttered, that awful feeling coming back. Movement caught his eye. He turned, seeing that raven again, hiding in the trees. Soulless black voids where its eyes should've been.

He blinked and it was gone.

"If you need us, we'll be there." Laura told him, taking his armored, bloodstained hand. Jim looked up at her, seeing so much of her mother in her eyes and smile. Over the years they'd grown close. She was like a sister to him. And he didn't want to let her do this when they all knew what was coming to Arcadia. Not alone. Not just her and Aanya. "But Douxie needs you more right now. And Carter too. We'll be okay."

"And they have Trollmarket," Jamie reminded him. "And I've heard on the grapevine that your mom has gotten pretty good with a sword. They're not alone."

Jim looked at the three of them. These kids who were too powerful, too much like their parents. People who, given his track record, should have been his enemies. And his heart ached at the thought of leaving them behind to fight for his sake. Jim didn't know how he kept turning his enemies into his irreplaceable family.

"Smash these immediately if you need one, or all of us, to come back." Douxie said, handing them the necklaces. Laura's was a soft forest green, and Aanya's was a fire-colored orange that matched her eyes.

"You too, if you need us." Laura told him.

Douxie smiled. "I will."

"Stay safe," Aja said, grabbing Aanya into a four-armed hug. "Fuck shit up."

"Yes," Aanya said with a laugh. "It'll be lively."


As they were preparing to move again, Laura and Aanya took a shadow portal back to Arcadia. Claire had pulled both of them close, whispering something to them before they left. Aanya had smiled at her and cupped her cheek, saying something softly back to her before disappearing into the portal.

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