"The dream parasite."

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I opened my eyes to reveal an  unsettling flatgrass.
I saw a shadowy figure with red eyes standing above me.
I took a step back, a short flash-back of the war flashing in my mind.
It just.. stood there.
I tried tp call out for someone, but no one came.
The figure started to quickly come for me, in return i ran as fast as I could.
I couldn't run as fast as I normally can, the figure being much faster than I could be.
I felt something grabbing me from below.
I noticed i was near a hole with tentacle-looking  things at the bottom.
I  stumbled back, falling to the ground, being dragged down.
I tried to shout, but nothing came out.
I fell down the hole, a red flash appearing before me

I shot up, waking up.
I looked around.
I was in the lobby, sleeping on one of the couches.
Sucks to need to sleep here..
I stood up, heading for the elevator.
I went in, the doors closing and the elevator going up.

"What was that dream about..?"
I thought to myself .
I took a deep breath, and exhaled.
Maybe I should go to mach about this.. Or maybe split.. They might know something about this?
I shivered, at the thought of what I had just witnessed in my dream..
I sighed, leaning on the wall for whatever happens next.

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