"I thought I could trust you..?"

12 1 0

Time set:  2 years before the prologue

I looked at my human "friend" standing tall above me, holding a knife.
I took a step back from him, as he stared into my eyes fear filling mine.

"I-I thought I could trust you..!"

He looked away for a moment, before grabbing me, holding the knife to my throat.

"P-Please- I-I can try to fix this!"

He didn't listen to my pleas, cutting a slit   into my throat, as I gasped feeling the warm blood trickling down my chest.
Somehow, I managed to flee back to my home, being practically unable to speak from the shock I just had.
I tried to stop the bleeding, holding a cloth to my throat
I thought to myself, "Why didn't i come with her.."
I fell onto my bed, tears falling down my cheek.

"I should have just listened.."

I bandaged my neck, tears still coming down.
I came out, to see my older sister having a full blown fight with my "friend"
I walked back in, falling into my bed, closing my eyes, hoping for rest.

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