Chapter 39: Singularity

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The Planet Granbell

(Y/N)'s POV

"So this is my Master's home planet. Now recording the beautiful scenery!" Pino cutely ran ahead of everyone with excitement. I can understand her joy. She doesn't remember a thing about Ziggy due to her memories being tampered with, so I bet knowing anything about him brings a sense of closeness to her.

I was lagging behind since I was taking in the new environment. Homura was walking next to Shiki but when she noticed me behind her, she stopped to walk with me. "You look pleased." She said.

I shrug, "yeah. I don't usually get the chance to enjoy the planets I visit since I was always looking over my shoulder. So it's nice to just," I sigh, relaxed, "take everything in."

"Gosh, that sounds depressing." I hear Weisz say. My relaxed face morphed into an annoyed one as I looked over at him. "Mind your business, Professor Nosey."

Hermit walks up to Homura and whispers, "Everything's ready," before walking back up to the front. I knot my brows. "What's ready?"

"Oh, nothing. I just asked her to help me update my phone."

'Bullshit. Homura's like an old person who just discovered technology, there's no way she'd ask that. Well whatever, it's not my business.'


After a few more minutes of walking, we finally arrived at the town Shiki grew up in. But to our surprise, all of the citizen androids were collapsed on the ground and unresponsive. The city looked like it went through a war.

Shiki paled looking at the bots he grew up with. "Mithra! Annie! John! Sir Castellan!" Tears built up in his eyes, "Michael..."

"What happened? Did a virus do this to them?" I ask.

Hermit analyzes one, bending down and touching their head. "They're out of Ether. All the machines on this planet were powered by Ether. But it dried up, and when that happened, they all shut down. But I'm not finding any signs that they were ever infected with any virus."

Rebecca slightly shook her head. "No... They were infected. I saw it." I remember her telling me how she originally met Shiki. She came to Granbell with Happy and met the androids. They were kind and welcoming until their behaviors switched and they tried to hurt her.

"Hm. Maybe if I check their logs, it will tell us something." Hermit created a screen and typed away, looking for answers. Another screen was made, this one from the android she was using to get information, and a robotic voice spoke. "The lives of us robots will come to an end in a few years." The staticy screen disappeared and it showed who was talking.

It was a tall robot with a skull face and two large gold horns on either side of his face. His tattered red cape has the Edens Zero's crest on the back and two golfer skull-shaped shoulder pads. 

"This fate is inevitable. Everyone, I beg of you. Before that happens, please help send Shiki out into space."

Shiki gasped in shock.

The robot who he called Sir Castellan spoke, "but that'll put us in a difficult situation. With the Demon King dead, we don't have the skills to make spacecrafts."

"We can't contact the other planets either," said Michael.

Sir Castellan continued, "We'll have no choice but to wait for someone to visit this planet."

"I hope we don't break down before that happens."

The time jumped to when they were ready to enact their plan. "Notify everyone. The plan will be set in motion tomorrow. We will act as virus infected robots who have become hostile toward humans." Sir Castellan ordered.

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