Chapter 4: Iron Tears

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"Hmm. You're saying I saved this cat. Not just him, but you too? And you came from 50 years in the future?"

"I can prove it." Rebecca showed him a recent photo of her, Happy, and a much older Weisz. "See."

"What the hell?! My hair's thinning like crazy!"

"Why are you saying that like it's my fault?"

Weisz rests his chin on the back of his hand. "With a story like that, well, forgive me if I don't take your word for it. At the very least, what I will believe is that you're not working with Sibir."

"We could really use your help in getting back to our original timeline, Professor." Happy said to him.

"We've already gone over this, I'm not a professor!" He strictly said as he crossed his arms.

"When will you become one?" "Hurry up and get older." Happy and Rebecca begged with their hands clasped together.

"Hell no!"

"Oh yeah, Sibir said you stole money from him or something." Shiki asked him.

"Is it inside that?" I nod to the case on the counter.

The blonde man quickly switches to defensive mode. "That's none of your business."

"Excuse me, if I recall correctly, Sibir just tried to kill us over that thing! So it's as much our business as it is yours!" I glare at him.

"But stealing is bad." Shiki said with a sly tone. "Though in Granbell, where I'm originally from, we actually have a class called Thief. They steal people's belongings so..." He kept going but was overshadowed by Rebecca's question. "So, who are those guys exactly?"

Weisz looked away as he answered, "Not your problem. Don't stick your noses into stuff anymore. That goes double if you really did come from the future." He warned and stood up. "You'll go and mess up the timeline. Just go back to the future."

"Yeah, that's the plan." I groan.

"But how are we supposed to do that?" Rebecca looks up at him.

"How should I know?" He smirked at our inconvenience. I rolled my eyes. 'Gosh this guy is useless.'

He went to pick up his case but it was gone. "The case! Where's the case?!" He panicked looking over the counter and around the room.

Shiki laughed from his upside down position on the ceiling, looking at Weisz mischievously as he held the case close to his chest. "That's right, I changed my job and became a thief."

"Not really how it works, Shiki." I chuckled at him.

"Bastard." Weisz grimaced at him.

"So, what's inside this thing? Ah-" He screamed and fell to the ground. It looked like his Ether Gear was cut off.

"What? I lost my powers for a moment." He sat up and rubbed his head.

The case slid out of his hand and began to open on its own. Steam released and we all looked in curiosity, waiting to see what's inside.

A tiny android appeared before us, "Awe," I smiled and moved closer to the cute bot. "I would kindly ask that you treat me far more delicately, Master." The android said. I noticed that this bot looked like she had no life, she looked empty inside.

"What the hell is that?" Weisz stared in shock.

The android looked side to side, "I am unable to locate Master in my sights."

"First a giant robot, now a tiny one." Shiki sweatdropped.

"To be more precise, I am an anti-mech android. I am called E.M. Pino." She introduced herself and bowed. "Please address me as Pino."

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