First Year :: Sorting Ceremony

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Hogwarts, Grand Hall

Sirius' Pov:

"Remus, is it just me who's nervous..?"
I turn to him, weary faced and pale. Mother would go ballistic if she saw me acting like this. She needs to understand i am just a child.

"Don't worry Sirius, Im nervous too." He says looking at me, his warming smile. Gosh do i love his smile.
"What if we are in separate houses?" I say panicked and worried.
"Don't worry, we will still be friends." He's still smiling, why is he so nice to me?

"James!" I shout to him and Peter, catching their attention.
"HUHH??" He shouts to me, disturbing everyone in the hall.

Dimwit, he is way too loud. Narcissa would probably tell Mother i was stepping out of line if i had replied now.She would kill me.

We are waiting for our Names to be called, im just talking to Remus, as we are both terrified.

"Sirius Black." My name is called and my heart sinks, I'm terrified.
I walk up to the seat, sitting down. Panicking in my mind. Not showing it, Trying to keep my cool.

"Hmm..Interesting, Very interesting..Courage, Eager and confidence ..Perhaps Slytherin.. Maybe not..Well, it must be.."

My face drops, Gryffindor..? But every Black ever had been a Slytherin. I was going to get it..

My breathing got heavier as i sat at the gryffindor table, i could feel the whole of Slytherins eyes on me. I tried to keep calm for Remus, James and Peter, It would be unfair if i ruined the ceremony for them.

My breathing calmed as the name "Remus Lupin." was called, i hope hes a Gryffindor.

"Hmm..A smart one, secretive..but friendly.. Ravenclaw would appreciate your intelligence , but i suppose your best suited with.."


It felt as a weight was lifter off my shoulders when Remus was sorted into Gryffindor.
"Congratulations Remus, Im so glad we are in the same house!" I say cheerfully, clapping ad he walks over. Taking a seat beside me.

"Me two! I was nervous i was going to be sorted into Ravenclaw! That hat, he makes me so nervous.." He says looking off to the side. We both go quiet as James gets called up, Without thinking the hat shouts.

So far, we are all in the same house. Now it's just Peter. He gets called up, he's one of the last.
"Ah, a sweet mind, yearning for validation and approval from his peers..Id say Hufflepuff but a strive of confidence sticks out to me so it best be.."

Peter hops of the seat with a large smile, sitting down beside James.
"How perfect is this? We are all in Gryffindor!"
Peter says still wearing that big grin.
"Honestly, amazing! What are the chances?" James replies looking just as happy.
"I know right!" Remus says gleefully.

Im still nervous , How is mother going to react.
Im not a slytherin.


sorry its short 🫶

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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