The agreeement

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At a random point in time, the moon had gotten fed up with only being around when people are asleep. It wanted to see everyone having fun, playing, and enjoying life. But it couldn't do that because it wasn't the sun.

So, it went up to the sun and proposed an outrageous idea. "I'm sick of seeing everyone bask in the happiness you grant them, while they aren't even awake when I'm around! So let's settle this. We each choose one human  and he them to fight. Whomever's human wins, is guaranteed better." The sun happily obliged, finally getting a change of scenery for once. "Fine. Just don't get too upset when you loose."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Both the sun and moon turned around to see a star staring at them in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" asked the moon. "The star spoke again, "You're both equally adored and needed! This whole agreement is just downtight ignorant!"

"Oh, come on. I think it'll be fun. And besides, we'll finally be able to settle which one of us is better!" replied the sun. The moon was upset at the star's words. "Well then. If you really want to get your point across, then join the bet. If either me or the sun wins, th other two have to agree it's more cherished. If you win, we agree we're all equal." Despite the fact the star had hated the idea, it had reluctantly agreed.

The sun, moon, and star had each chosen a human as their "champion" and then began to monitor the three.

The agreement was settled and the bet had begun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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