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Part One: Morning Calls


On a fairly black marble surface with internally embedded whitish granule-like particles lay a pristine phone with a white cover designed with a golden rough strip that ran through the middle of the cover's sides. The device's unscathed screen was lit dimly, showing a Tiktok video. Shortly away from the surface stood someone in a navy-blue long eight-panel skirt that swayed with her gentle moves, a few clinks synching with the motion.

The video replayed on the spot she ended the stirring. She turned with the coffee cup on her mouth, sipping on it briefly and circumspectly whilst she came to the surface where the gadget was. This was Sophy, donned in a yellow-orange and tight long-sleeve top plus a black chest-length hijab.

She placed the cup on the surface prior to her brief disappearance only to return with a small grey flat marble plate onto which she'd put several thick brown biscuits. Her mehndi-decorated hand carefully positioned the escorts adjacent to the cup as the other extended the phone some distance away from the breakfast.

She got onto the seat next to the kitchen island, her back facing a mint-looking blue-grey cupboard with satin nickel knobs. She took sizeable bites off the biscuits one at a time and drank from the steaming beverage whilst she scrolled on her gadget's screen. Her fairly large dark-grey orbs barely moved in their intent attention to the screen.

An incoming call started amidst the entertainment but Sophy hadn't changed the settings from the silent mode since her shower session and thus, the device neither rang nor vibrated. The lady's eyes scrunched at the call with a small shake of her head. It was Richxo, a money-spoilt and persistent admirer.

The young woman intercepted not. Instead, she grabbed another bite off the already victimized flaky delicacy, following it with another small mouthful of drink. Her sight danced between the ongoing notification and the video but she preferred to ignore the guy. With several seconds into the call, her attention and initial reaction to the disturbance were long gone. The calmness on her visage could tell it all. Her eyes even stopped giving the call a glimpse until the interruption ceased.

Her index finger scrolled up on the phone screen and next appeared another video that played many seconds into its duration before Richxo tried again. Sophy's expression remained relaxed despite the rekindled to-and-fro movement of her eyes over the screen. She sighed and mouthed ‘I don't know’.

She picked the gadget from its resting position in contemplation to answer. Her thumb tarried at the top of the screen where the caller ID appeared. Meanwhile, the dance video still played. Sophy sighed again before abandoning any thought of taking the bait. She opted to go on with her treat of more biscuit, the coffee and other clips whilst the son of a rich man tried to reach her.

He wasn't the only one though. Another lad, Chairperson Bad Boy, was the zone chairman's son. Both chick boys were as well exorbitant because their fathers were well-heeled. Sophy was their beautiful mutual target they'd seen in online feminine videos but the young woman was yet to join their exhibitionism and so forth. 

She was almost done with breakfast when an idea hit her mind. Her mood was below average this morning or else, she would normally be in the process of coming up with something new for her fifteen thousand followers on the most famous video editing app in town. The gorgeous-looking miss allowed her shoulders to slump with a blow of air out of her mouth. She looked at the wall clock up opposite her and the time indicated a few minutes to eight.

Briefly, she turned her attention to the unfinished morning meal, glancing between the chewables and the tea. Up she got and carried the biscuits to the cabinet, returning fast to pour away the remaining beverage before cleaning and rinsing the cup in a minute.

It was internship period and she'd applied to pursue her practice as an accounts assistant at one promising enterprise not far from town. She picked up her phone and exited Tiktok for the meantime, resetting it to enable the ringtone with a vibration. She was heading to the loud urban chaos and her gadget's audible notifications were relevant just in case of any important calls.

She reached for her sapphire small handbag on another counter, zipping it open to place in her phone and pick out the key for the main door. No sooner had she settled the device than it went off loud.

Good enough, it was still in her hand and so it was a matter of turning it to look at its screen. This time around, it was the third of her chasers. Benson.

This one wasn't as loaded as Richxo or the chairman's son. He worked for his own money which was enough to keep him looking good. He and Sophy had met in their first year at campus but he dropped out after the death of his only guardian, an uncle of his that had carried on the responsibility to pay his fees since the dude's childhood. Benson resorted to fashion trade and this explained why he always killed it when it came to designing his wardrobe.

He had better looks than those of CBB but Richxo still had the upper hand when it came appearance. His efforts came last on the log in regards to wooing the fit Tiktok belle as his calls, texts or any other trials to reach her were uncommon. The three lads' target babe took more than half a minute looking at her gadget's screen in wonder. This was the first time Benson called on the same day as Richxo.

Sophy thought that these guys had a secret plan and some disturbance timetable unbeknownst to her. She blacked the screen with a single soft press of the power button. Usually, the intern considered the latest caller because of his friendliness and unwild behaviour with money. At times, the two talked or texted with messages being their most favourable channel of communication.

Despite the fact that the old boy was likeable with a character alluring, Sophy only wanted things platonic with all the boys she'd met. These people seeking her affection sent her love-heart baits but she was always selective with which one to touch. She rejected unreasoned offers and was a lucky lastborn with a caring older sister that made sure Sophy always had what she needed.

The accounts student was a considerate young lady who didn't throw away yet she was beauteous with a soft spot for the posh.

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