Chapter 2

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After they killed my mum, I was heartbroken. Tina started to cry and Nina went straight to the kitchen to grab a knife.

"Sis, It's been nice knowing you" Nina said in tears positioning the knife to her head but I stopped her

"NO! God will send you to hell" I said dragging the knife

"It's not like we can change anything" Tina said wiping her tears but I was determined to take care of my younger siblings.

I went into mom's room and looked in her purse for some cash but what I saw was a code.

"EL2012 R4F14?" I said to myself in confusion

"Uh....... maybe it's her phone code or her laptop code" Tina suggested but I did start to believe her because mum was always so secretive about her gadgets like she had something to hide. It would be always suspicious like one time I saw her on her laptop and I went up to her

"Mummy what's that?" I asked and she was startled like she had seen death himself

"Ah, who sent you? I know NOTHING! NOW SHOO! SHOO!!" Mum said and hurriedly sent me out of her room and fricking locked the door.

I snooped some more and I saw an address and I was overjoyed. It was a place where the rent would expire in three years

"OMG GUYS LOOK!!!" I said happily and showed them the slip but Nina wasn't so sure.

"Hmmmm.......I don't think so. WHAT IF MUM'S HIDING A BOMB!!!" Nina said but I didn't believe her

"Yeah right. She's sweet and is kinna secretive about her laptop. SO WHAT?!" I sapped

"Grrr......You'll be sorry for that" Nina screamed but I didn't listen to her. I was more concentrated on the rent so we'd have a place to stay.

When we got there, it smelled like old grammas, pineapples and rotten meat but we didn't still care.

"OH GOD!!! It reeks in her" Tina said covering her nose"If you wanna keep smelling, you can always go back to that cardboard box across the block. So you gonna stay here or stay there?" I asked an they chose to to stay. What I thought. After some decorations, we reached a room with yellow ribbons with DO NOT CROSS statements.

"Oh........Let's go there" Nina said and I snapped"What the hell NO, DO NOT CROSS. Can't you read?" I snapped

"Oh yes and I see, CATALINA IS A PIECE OF BULLSHIT!" Nina said and I was angry

"Fine, go in! SEE IF I CARE!" I said and turned my back against her

"Fine by me" Nina said and then, after two minutes, she came out screaming as a huge bomb was behind that door and it was to explode in a year.

"OH MY GOSH! MOM'S A FRICKING CRIMINAL" I said and started to panic and run around hysterically

"Calm down" Nina said and I calmed down. Then we started to hear a noise like clanking noise.

"OMG!!! Hide" I said in a low tone and we hid behind an old desk. Once again, it was the same fricking robbers. I started questioning myself if mom was like a criminal leader or something.

 Then, I don't know how the robbers heard our light breathing, one of then just got a hold of Nina.

"Ah Let me go! Let me go!!" Nina said kicking and screaming.

 I felt like a huge force of anger rushing thought my veins as one of the robbers pointed a gun at her. I then look to the side and I saw a gun loaded with bullets.

I then came out with the gun directly at the robber who got hold of Nina.

"Drop the gun dude and nobody get hurt" I said pointing it at him

"Ha, you got guts kid, you could never shoot me" The robber said

"BET!!!" I said and the robber just laughed and I accidentally pulled the trigger. There was a huge bang and I saw the robber's brain on the fricking floor

"Oh Lord!!!" I said in horror. I looked at my hands and I saw lots of bright red blood but Nina was free. She just looked at me in shock.

"Oh C, I'm so sorry for calling you bullshit" Nina said crying ang hugging me

"Yes I accept" I said but was still shaking from what I did. I couldn't even sleep that night because I kept on seeing blood on my hands everytime.Our lives seemed to be going from bad to worst until one day when I was 15.

A woman came knocking on our door. She had a mask on her face.

"Ah, girls, you are needed" The woman said and then lots of armed men coming in.

"Oh my gosh!" I said and started fighting them and also did I tell you that all of us have a black belt in Karate and Taekwondo. I know, very hard. It's just to protect us from the men.

Nina and Tina came in and started fighting vigorously until they caught me and my siblings.

 They put some handkerchief on our noses forcefully and we dozed off. I then woke up into a very darkroom and I became scared.

"C, I'm scared" Tina said tearfully with tears in her eyes

"I'm here for you sis" I said and then a tall woman approached us

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