Chapter 62

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Sorry for Remille's fans. I will destroy her.

- Alexei Seizon BOT Ojisan


September 21, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 01:00

Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

Inside the Paradis Palace lay the lifeless bodies of the palace guards drenched in blood. Scores of palace guards lay dead, while military police from the army and marines from the navy were systematically ensuring each one was indeed deceased, sometimes thrusting bayonets to confirm.

This was not just a massacre. It was a reckoning of accounts with the history of the empire that was constructed through corruption and bloodshed. Many soldiers viewed this scene as necessary and without hesitation killed the palace guards.

However, it didn't stop there. Even the nobles and imperial family members within the palace were not exempt. Naturally, officials from the Foreign Affairs Bureau who had gathered such information were capturing them, probing the depth of their involvement, and those deemed deeply implicated were considered threats and executed.

"We have secured the main nobles and imperial family members belonging to the radicals."

"Good, you've done well without oversight... Now, they must receive their due punishment..."

Though few in number, among those within the palace were nobles and imperial family members aligned with the radicals. They had gathered to persuade the emperor to launch a military invasion against the Kingdom of Altaras. Though of noble birth, they now found themselves bound in ropes, devoid of any dignity. Among them, a man considered a powerful noble in the capital was approached by an official from the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau.

"Let's start with you."

"Hey, what do you think you're doing!? You won't get away with this..."

"Despite your noble status, you have endangered the empire... and conspired with Remille in an act of treason against His Majesty in the capital."

"What...? What are you talking about..."

"We are aware of your affiliation with the radicals. As a radical noble, you were persuading even members of the imperial family to support armed conflict with Altaras... that is a fact."

"W-wait... what is the meaning of this!?"

"In essence, it's treason against the empire and outright betrayal..."

"This is bullshit! What authority—"

"Excuse me. I've brought the book with the list."

"Thank you, now we can make progress."

While the noble protested, one of the official's subordinates rushed over. They brought a yellow book, and the official began flipping through its pages. After turning a few pages, the man confirmed the noble's appearance and name, then pronounced his sentence.

"Then, starting with you... According to the action plan of the newly established interim government, you will be sentenced to death."

"Death penalty...?"

"Yes, although I am an official of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau, I have received judicial training. Given the current state of emergency, I am empowered to act as a judge."

"Wha... Death penalty!? How is that allowed...?"

"It is allowed. I have been entrusted with the authority to capture and execute traitors by Master Kaios. Unfortunately, you are listed on the capture and execution list. There are no exceptions."

The noble sentenced to death resisted. Knowing it was futile, he attempted to flee. However, a soldier from the military police standing nearby struck him on the head, and blood flowed from his forehead.

"The execution site will be fine near that slope by the fountain. We won't even spare a bag for his body... Take him away. Execute the sentence at least in a manner that maintains his dignity as a noble."

After chanting a pain-killing spell, executions of nobles and royals were carried out. Execution reserved only for nobles and imperial family members came in the form of drinking poisoned wine and letting them succumb to the poison. Even they were appalled by this method and resisted desperately. However, it was futile.

With their mouths forcibly pried open with tools, they were made to drink wine or whiskey laced with a large amount of poison against their will. As the poison took effect, bleeding occurred from their mouths and noses, ultimately leading to unconsciousness and death within 10 minutes. Some willingly drank the poisoned wine and died, but they were just a handful of nobles. After placing the bodies of the deceased nobles and imperial family members on the slope, carpets from within the castle were spread over them. The blood seeped into the crimson-stained carpets.

The demise of the radicals, the festering sore of the Parpaldia Empire, was remarkably unceremonious.

"With this, the radical nobles and imperial family members have been dealt with..."

"Only Remille remains... but her whereabouts are still unknown."

"...I think she's in the palace. Let's split up and find her before dawn."

"It seems like it will be a clean sweep..."

The cleaning of the palace by the Foreign Affairs Bureau and the military police began. They searched every nook and cranny, interrogated surviving palace guards, and thoroughly searched hidden rooms. At around 04:00, as the sky began to brighten, a loud shout could be heard throughout the palace.


At last, the central figure of the radicals had shown herself.

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