Chapter 59

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 19:00

Navy Headquarters, Parpaldia Empire

Kaios looked grim. A feared military conflict had erupted in the Kingdom of Altaras. Moreover, reports had been received that clashes had occurred between the Japanese security force and the stationed Parpaldian military officers, as well as the Oversight Force Eastern Fleet, resulting in significant damage on the Parpaldian side.

Kaios learned of this situation when the first report came in at 17:00, while he was in a meeting with Admiral Barus, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, to meticulously execute the coup plan. Furthermore, it was revealed that Parpaldia had attacked the royal capital of Le Brias in the Kingdom of Altaras, under the pretext of "punishment," killing the king in the palace. Information even reached that Parpaldian citizens were being shot one after another by the security force on-site. Just as the coup was about to take place, it was imperative for Kaios to quickly ascertain who had caused this worst-case scenario.

"Gather information on Altaras immediately! Then, mobilize all staff from the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau! Bring in those who are off-duty as well!"

"Even off-duty personnel too!?"

"Yes! Also, Director Elto from the First Foreign Affairs Bureau, and Director Mouri from the Finance Bureau..."

Summoning the members who had declared their participation in the coup and even Admiral Barus demonstrated how seriously they were taking this situation. He, too, was one of those who had grasped information about the Japanese military by Kaios and understood that they were not opponents the current Parpaldian military could defeat even with its full strength. He saw the images of the atomic bomb dropped on Hawaii at the end of the Pacific War and the nuclear test that obliterated the reefs, which were provided by Japanese diplomat Asada and immediately understood that they possessed weapons equivalent to core magic at their disposal.

It did not take them long to realize the severity of the clash in Altaras. When the masterminds of the coup arrived at the Navy Headquarters, the Information Department of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau discovered that the tragedy in the Kingdom of Altaras had been caused by radicals within the country.

"Master Kaios, the problem is extremely serious... Ambassador Cast demanded aggressively in the Kingdom of Altaras to enslave the princess, and when that was refused, it led to the Empire attacking various places including the royal palace in the capital... It's being broadcasted worldwide through magical communication."

"What!? Worldwide!?"

"They're probably using high-powered Japanese communication... It's a quite clear audio, and judging from the voice, it's almost certainly... Ambassador Cast's voice."

"Shit... What has that stupid noble done..."

"Furthermore, it seems that except for the flagship, the entire Oversight Force Eastern Fleet has been sunk..."

"What did you say!? Completely wiped out!?"

"...We heard it's a total loss from the communication. Currently, we're also confirming it in the Navy's communication command room, but there's no response from the Oversight Force Eastern Fleet... so it's almost certain..."

Admiral Barus listened to the report from Cast's subordinate with a pale face, stunned. Although this fleet belonged to the Oversight Force, they had the capability equivalent to one Navy fleet. Though the organization directly managing them was different, they were an undefeated fleet of ships of the line against periphery countries that used galleys. The report that the fleet, except for the flagship, had been completely destroyed was a serious matter, indicating not only the clash with the Japanese but also the humiliating defeat without even a chance to give a scratch.

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