Chapter 26

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For a while, updates will be irregular, but thank you for your understanding.

Also, upon checking the next update information from TNO official, when information related to Japan was updated, the names of the Yamato-class battleships were changed from Izumo and Suruga to Kii and Shinano.

- Alexei Seizon BOT Ojisan


June 17, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 13:00

Northern Harbor, Kingdom of Louria

The port in the north was exceedingly quiet. Following the outcome of the recent Naval Battle of Rodenius, the remnants of the Lourian navy, mercilessly decimated without inflicting any harm upon the enemy, had gathered in the port.

Being close to the capital city of Jin-Hark, this harbor served as the most crucial hub for Louria's trade routes, hence it was heavily guarded.

The soldiers on alert, including the patrol wyverns, felt a tense atmosphere. Admiral Whael, who succeeded Admiral Sharkun, instructed the sailors docked in the harbor to maintain maximum vigilance and report any anomalies as soon as possible. However, many who heard about the outcome of the great naval battle speculated that perhaps the fleet had encountered a massive storm and suffered catastrophic losses, rendering Whael's words as only half-believed rumors.

"Still, you know, bringing down all the wyverns with a single cannon shot or an attack with magical weapons capable of engulfing over 30 ships... I've never heard of such things."

"Surely they must be exaggerating to conceal massive losses incurred from encountering a colossal storm..."

"Perhaps... Ugh... But still, it's so boring..."

"I swear... Hey, isn't something approaching from the northeast sky?"

During their break time, two sailors engaged in casual conversation atop the watchtower, when suddenly, one of them spotted something approaching from the distant sky. With good eyesight, he confirmed it was no mistake and proceeded to verify through a spyglass.

"Huh? Where?"

"Look, up there in the sky... Isn't that wyvern a bit too large?"

"...Now that you mention it, yeah... Should we report, just in case?"

"Yeah, to the naval headquarters... Wait, what's that!? There are so many of them coming this way!"

"Oh no! We need to report to the headquarters immediately!"

At first, they saw what seemed like black dots, but within a minute, they confirmed over 50 flying objects approaching rapidly. The sailors hastily communicated with the naval headquarters using manacomm.

"Naval headquarters, please respond! This is the 4th Surveillance Tower, unidentified flying objects are approaching! I repeat, unidentified flying objects are approaching!"

"This is the naval headquarters; can you ascertain the number of flying objects?"

"This is the 4th Surveillance Tower, there are over 50 flying objects! None of them resemble wyverns, but they shine as if made of iron!"

"Damn it, was that tale about Japan's iron dragons, which defeated Admiral Sharkun, true!? All hands, prepare for combat—"

As they were about to initiate communications to prepare for combat at the naval headquarters, the fate of the port in the north had already been sealed. The attack commenced by the carrier-based jet attack aircraft Seiryū launched from the carriers Taihō and Shōhō had begun.

The attackers, armed with the same payload as those that had attacked the fleet, transformed the naval base at the northern harbor into an inferno with thunderous roars characteristic of jets.

By the strafing of the 20 mm autocannons opened on them, numerous large holes opened up in the vessels docked in the harbor, and within minutes, the ships began to sink.

Furthermore, to support the landing Japanese Army forces, relying on information from spies hidden by Qua-Toyne and on tall buildings serving as barriers, 600 kg bombs were continuously dropped, targeting anti-air defense positions and military facilities.

For those who had been defending the northern harbor, the sudden and unexpected attack without any warning was difficult to accept. Simultaneously, attempting to respond to the combat situation while being unilaterally attacked, all that could be heard from manacomms were the screams of allies and the disconnection spell.

"The manacomm ship sank all at once due to the enemy's magical weapons! Ahh! They're sinking again!"

"Shit! We can't even evacuate in time! All hands, evacuate! Jump off the ships! I don't want to be torn apart by their attacks!"

"Naval headquarters! Naval headquarters! What should we do!? Please respond—"

"Ahh, the magic stone storage exploded due to the attack! The magic stones for the wyverns—"

"Damn it, if this continues, we'll just be mercilessly trampled upon without being able to do anything..."

Admiral Whael could do nothing but watch as the fleet of 150 ships under his command was wiped out almost immediately after leaving the naval headquarters. Within a mere 10 minutes, the port in the north lost its military functionality due to the attack by the attack aircraft launched from the First Fleet, and Whael was forced to retreat with the land forces at the naval headquarters.

From aerial photographs obtained from the Fugaku, which had carried out high-altitude reconnaissance missions, the number of remaining fleets of the Lourian navy and the locations of major anti-air defense weapons were identified.

As wyverns posed a significant threat even to combat helicopters when flying at low altitudes and speeds, bombing raids were also carried out on the wyvern base, who were responsible for wyverns near the capital, by the four Fugaku bombers.

"The enemy has invaded the capital too! What were the guards doing!?"

"Damn it! They're attacking from the sky with fire magic! Hurry, take the wyverns and evacuate to the sky!"

"Fire! There's fire!"

"Help me! I can't breathe!"

"Everyone, escape as much as you can! Aaahhh!"

After the bombardment with countless incendiary bombs was completed, the magic stone storage facility held by the knights also exploded, and most of the wyverns were incinerated alive by the flames of the incendiary bombs without even having a chance to fight.

The Japanese forces, which had struck the Lourian mainland first, prioritized the destruction of anti-air defenses and the wyvern headquarters. As a signal, landing craft departed from the army transport ships, and the tank units of the 7th Division entered the port in the north, swiftly occupying it while mowing down the scattered infantry.

The time it took for this operation was less than two hours, demonstrating the rapid capture of important bases for Louria by the Japanese Army.

By securing the major port city, which was the main base and could lead straight to the capital Jin-Hark, the Lourian naval headquarters, now an empty shell, had the Rising Sun flag hoisted over it.

Honor to the Rising Sun Flag.

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