Chapter 79 - The last drop

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So, em... good luck? But, hey-! Longer chapter than usual! :D


"I'm sure Jade and Floyd have their matters under control..."

Azul was in his office, back at Octavinelle, not able to stay seated as he restlessly paced back and forth in front of his desk.

"No space for paranoia. Ramshackle Dorm and the photo are as good as mine." The housewarden told himself as he kept his eyes closed, in a futile attempt to ease his nerves.

"Yes..." The young mer nodded vaguely to no one, before getting startled by a sudden knock on the door.

Knock, knock, knock!

It sounded frenetic. So much that the sophomore didn't even get a chance to speak up before the handle clicked open.

"Pardon me, Mr. Manager!" A dark haired student unceremoniously barged into the room, looking panicked.

"What is it, and where's your indoor voice?" Azul responded, immediately displaying his stern and firm act.

"Sorry, sir. The Mostro Lounge is dealing with a problem right now..." The panting scholar quickly apologized, lowering both his head and tone as sweat ran down his temple.

"Of what nature?" The dorm leader strictly inquired, adjusting his glasses.

"Some customers are arguing and getting rowdy, but Jade and Floyd are out right now..." The dark haired boy replied in a small voice, trailing out in the end.

"Really, now. What kind of unmannerly lout starts a scene in a dining establishment?" Azul exhaled, shaking his head in disappointment and slight exasperation.

"Very well. I'll be right there." He then concluded, earning a hasty nod from the student, who then immediately made his way out the room.

"I'm sure Jade and Floyd will handle things well enough on their own..." The silver haired sophomore took a calming breath and also stepped toward the door, pausing when resting his hand on the handle.

"...I hope." He quietly murmured to himself, then stepping forward, heading toward the lounge.


"What is the meaning of this? We've barely opened our doors for the morning shift...! How is everything already in such disarray?!"

Once there, the housewarden was met with a large number of Savanaclaw students bringing havoc to the usually relaxing restaurant.

"HEY! I want my drink and I want it NOW!" A junior with a yellow vest yelled out amidst the rowdy and crowded place, prompting one of the already scrambling waiters to apologize for the wait before hurriedly sprinting to tend on something else.

"Meat! Meat! Hya-hahaha!"

"Hey, that's MY meat! I ordered that!"

Other Savanaclaw House members either chanted for their orders with large grins or argued with some of their dorm mates for the few dishes and beverages that actually made it to the tables.

"Clear the way. Coming through!" Azul announced his presence as he pushed through the sea of students flooding the establishment, having to physically move some aside.

"Excuse me!" The mer said as he bumped into a dirty blonde hyena, not really stopping to look at the latter's face.

"It's cool, you're excused. Shyeheehee..." Ruggie snickered to himself as he swiftly navigated through the crowd.

The silver haired sophomore briefly paused when hearing that very distinctive laugh, then deciding to turn his head back in the direction of the smaller beastman.

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