Chapter 14

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Under the cloak of darkness, Xaden and I dismounted our horses, the soft sound of our boots meeting the earth barely audible in the still night air. Instead of heading towards the grand main gate of the castle, we veered towards a less conspicuous entrance near the kitchen, its door securely locked and unguarded. With practiced ease, Xaden produced a key and unlocked the door, ushering me inside.

My heart skipped a beat as Blizzard emerged from the depths of the castle, his expression grave and eyes filled with concern. His sudden appearance sent a jolt of apprehension coursing through me, uncertainty clouding my thoughts as I awaited his next move.

"The path is clear. You may go to your room, Prince. I will handle the rest." The words made me feel obnoxious. How could he leave me here alone? Where was he going?

Xaden turned to me and reassured, "There's no need to worry."

As Blizzard presented the large tea cart, I hesitated, eyeing its seemingly small lower compartment. "You need to fit inside the lower compartment of this cart," Blizzard explained, his tone indicating there was no room for argument. With a deep breath, I maneuvered myself into the confined space, squeezing in as best as I could.

As I settled inside the cart, I felt a sense of claustrophobia creeping in, but I pushed the feeling aside, reminding myself of the necessity of the situation. The cart jolted into motion, and I braced myself as it began to move, the wheels creaking softly beneath me.

After what felt like an eternity of being jostled about, the cart finally came to a stop. With a sense of relief, I heard Blizzard's voice from outside. "You can come out now," he called, and I carefully emerged from the cramped compartment, grateful to be free from its confines.

"Ouch," I call out.


Vote my story before the world ends!
Time is at premium but I will try to reply to the comments asap!

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