Chapter 20 - Ciak, action!

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"Rum and Coke!" She nods giggling "It really sucks!!!" She bursts out laughing.
"I missed you!" She hugs me, dumping most of the drink on me.

“Okay, how about we put this down?” I take the glass from her hands.

"Nooooo, I like it!" Jo grabs the glass again and brings it to her lips. She makes a disgusted face when she tastes a little more and her eyes fill with tears.

"Jo, you're disgusted!" I shake my head in amusement "Why do you keep drinking it?"

She shrugs nonchalantly and tries again, even more disgusted.
"Do you want some'?" She hands it to me.
I take the glass from her hands and taste the contents a little. The liquid burns in my throat like lava and a bitter, acidic taste invades my mouth.
It really sucks!
"Okay!" I cough, placing the glass away from us "I'd say that's enough for tonight!"

She nods this time and rests her head on my chest, completely abandoned to me.
"I missed you! But I won't tell you, that would be pathetic!" She mumbles into my shirt.
I laugh amusedly. This new version of her, I hadn't met yet. It's fun, although I prefer it a thousand times sober.
I lean down to her ear "I missed you too! How are you feeling?"

"You know, when you talk to me like that, I get shivers all over my body!" She exclaims looking into my eyes. "You make me want to kiss you! Kiss you for real! With tongue and everything!" She laughs suddenly amused by her own words.
Thank goodness the music is really loud, so it's unlikely anyone can hear us.
The only thing that does not go unnoticed is our closeness.
Anna looks at us smiling as she drinks her drink a short distance from us. She doesn't say anything, but I know she understands very well that there is more between Jo and me than just a simple working relationship.
Soon we are joined by the rest of the cast and Jo moves away from me, going to dance with the girls a little further away.
Now that I know she's a little tipsy, I don't let her out of my sight. Not that it was any different before, but now I feel even more protective of her.
Shane brings us a tray of more drinks but I politely decline. It's good that one of us is sober tonight.
I don't want to face shooting tomorrow with a colossal hangover.
Luckily Jo didn't pick up any glass again. She will need water soon though.
“I'll be right back,” I tell Shane, placing a hand on his shoulder.
He nods as he continues handing out drinks to the guys.
I approach the bar to get two bottles of water and in the meantime I look around.
They are all laughing and joking among the crowd of people dancing on the floor.
It's a really nice group of people.
We have been lucky!
Jo is with Anna and is bouncing to a song I don't know.
From here I can't hear what she says, but I see that she is singing with her hands raised above her head. She throws her head back and laughs. She laughs a lot.

"Would you like me to buy you a drink?"
I turn and a girl with long red hair looks at me smiling.
I have no idea who she is.

"Uh, no thanks. I've had enough to drink for tonight!" I smile at her kindly. I look back to where Jo was dancing. She's talking to Shane now, close to his ear to be heard over this chaos.

"Beautiful and responsible. Wow! Do you want to marry me?" The girl giggles.

I shake my head smiling "You get straight to the point, huh?"

"I'm Madison, nice to meet you" she holds out her hand and waits for my move.
If I wasn't completely lost in a certain Australian girl, this Madison would be a really nice conquest. Redhead, large green eyes and quite pronounced lips. She's really cute.

"Hero, can't we leave you alone for a moment as you make all the girls around here fall in love?" Samuel joins me patting me on the shoulder. He leans towards the barman and orders some water too.

🇬🇧 Once Upon a Time #Herophine 🇬🇧 (English version)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu