Blitzo: MOXXIE! Y/N

[With quick thinking, Blitzo grabs both of them, knocking down the trash can he was hiding behind, and runs away. He smacks Agent Two in the face with Moxxie and keeps on running through the alleyway.]

Moxxie: (slurred) I smell... *sniffs* colors...

Y/N: I dun forgot i lost mah powers....yee fucking haw partner

[Blitzo eventually reaches a dead end. The agents waste no time in cornering him. Blitzo raises his gun, ready to fight.]

Blitzo: Back off, you tuxedo-wearing FUCKS!

[Blitzo and the agents both ready their guns and prepare for a firefight. But just as Blitzo is about to fire, Agent Two pushes a button on her gun, causing Blitzo,Y/Nand Moxxie to be electrocuted. Moxxie is shocked out of Blitzo's grip and Blitzo is zapped a second time from residual charge, dropping his gun and going down for the count. The agents are then seen through Blitzo's eyes.]

Agent One: *chuckles confidently* I'd like to see the suits at corporate callin' us losers now! That was pretty badass!

Agent Two: *cocks gun* Super badass!

Y/N: Can one of you, fine gentlemen lend my a hand please?

[The two agents just stared at Y/N before shocking him again, finally causing him to black out.]

[Soon enough, Blitzo passes out. Meanwhile in the I.M.P. office, Millie furiously punches the wall, tears in her eyes and making vicious demon screeches, before falling to her knees devastated.]

Millie: SHIT! Shit, shit, shit!

[Millie wails with her head and hands on the floor. Loona stands behind her with Stolas' Grimoire in her hands, looking concerned.]

Loona: You, uh... You okay, there?

[Millie suddenly stands up, startling Loona into dropping the Grimoire and holding her hands up defensively.]

Millie: What're you doing sittin' there?! The boys are in trouble! Open it again!

Loona: Blitzo was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until--

[Consumed by rage and worry for her husband and boss, Millie grabs Loona by her shirt and yanks her down to face level.]

Millie: (furious) Open the fucking portal, now!

[Cuts to a sequence of Loona and Millie gearing up for a rescue mission. Loona zips a backpack labeled "Blitzø's Emergen-C Bag" closed, an angry Millie twirls and lifts a giant double-headed axe with the 'M' in the middle, and Loona transforms to her human form. The portal opens again, and Millie leaps out and lands in a pose while Loona nonchalantly steps through.]

Millie: They aren't here...!

[Millie drops her axe and falls to her knees again, tears welling in her eyes. Before she can cry, Loona suddenly grabs and lifts her up, bending down to sniff the ground to track where Blitzo and Moxxie went.]

Loona: It smells like they went this way.

[Loona drops Millie into the backpack and slings it onto her back, then grabs Millie's axe off the ground, resting it on her shoulder.]

Loona: Come on... Let's find the dumbass trio

[Loona starts running towards the screen while carrying Millie. Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Moxxie wakes up and looks around groggily. The camera zooms out revealing that he, Y/N and Blitzo are tied to chairs. Moxxie panics and briefly struggles to get out, until Agent Two grabs the lamp over their heads and brings it close to Moxxie's face, causing him to flinch away.]

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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