The Awakening

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You awoken in the center of the universe, its where you've always been, right beside your father.
"Someday father, i'd like to see that place that those creatures called humans was it?". I looked up at my father, unsurprisingly enough, i didn't get a response. "i also wish that someday i could actually talk to you". It wasn't any fun up here, floating around the infinite darkness humans call space, it was very beautiful though.  I thought of something i could do to hold my interest, something that would at least give me some entertainment. Shutting my eyes, i began to dream, dream of something "fun". Opening my eyes after a while, i glanced around. Everything was different, i wasn't at home anymore. The sky was red, buildings, billboards where everywhere. " i, how did i get here. Dad!?". I started panicking, I've never been anywhere but next to my dad, it was a bit frightening. I looked around frantically, finding a puddle. After splashing it on my face trying to see if this was a dream, i looked down into the puddle. I was different looking, devilish even. I tried contacting Yibb through telepathic waves, but nothing worked. "Ok, stay calm, I can figure this out...somehow". I stood up, and walked around the odd place. "Man...this place is creepy-". Mid sentence, i bumped into someone, falling back. "Aye, watch where you're going asshole!". I look up to see a group of Imps looking at me. "Oh sorry! I wasn't the one LOOKING AROUND INSTEAD OF PAYING ATTENTION!". The Imp stood up, it was apparent he was the leader, as he was the tallest and strongest looking out of them. " I wiped dust off my pants as I stood up. "can you tell me where the hell i am? I just randomly woke up here....and Im kinda worried". "Your in hell, its kinda obvious dude". I looked down at the white haired one. "no one asked you fat ass.". "I'm not even fat.". "Ya know mox it wouldn't kill ya to put a lil salad in your belly every now and then.". "I'M NOT EVEN FAT!". I laughed a bit. "So is there an exit to this place, Y/N btw". I reached my hand out. "Blitz, and no there isn't an exit lying around, but there is an exit." "cool where is it." "Whoa whoa whoa, i can't just tell you where it is." I sighed, already fed up with this bullshit. "fine, what do i have to do". "Nothing. Its just that i don't currently have the book". I was confused. "The exits a book?". "Grimoire to be exact, I could get it for you much work." "okay, so how do I get it". Blitz hesitated. "Well, normally I'd fuck Stolas for it, but I could probably find another'll cost you though.". I facepalmed. "I asked what I'd have to do,not that long ago but go on.". "We're currently on a mission, and we could use an extra eye, you in?". I thought about it, did i really have a choice? "Fine, you got a deal, but i expect to be back in space by the time its over". "wait, space? What are you exactly?". "um.....a space deity....yeah". Telling them the truth could fry their brains, better safe then sorry. "Right, well lets go then". We walked to a parking lot and got into Blitz's car. "where are we going exactly?". "To get the book. Now sit back there and shut up". "but if we're getting the book right now, why the fuck do i have to help with the mission? you're kinda confusing-". "I SAID SIT BACK AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!". I sat back, and shut up. After a bit of driving, the car stopped. "We're here, get the fuck out!". I stepped out of the car, and looked up at the mansion in front of me, it was beautiful, quite odd though for a place in hell. Blitz knocked on the door. "Who is it~". A voice from inside the mansion called out. "It's me, Blitz. Can we borrow your grimoi-". Stolas busted his own door down and picked up Blitz. "Oh my little imps come to see me again, what ever do you need-" Stolas stopped and stared at me. "OH MY, WHY ON EARTH IS THE SON OF AZATHOTH AT MY DOORSTEP, AND WHY IS HE WITH MY DEAR BLITZ!!!"

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