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"Guys, Here is Mr. Crunch" 


Mione) "Just so everyone knows, that is my cat" 

Pansybaby) "Mr. Crunch LITTLE FEET AHHHHH!!!"

Lavlav) "Oh, were paying attention to the cat? I was trying to figure out which twin this was" 

thatguytheo) "@Lavlav — George" 

theboywholived) "@Lavlav — George" 

Ronnie) "@Lavlav — George" 

Dray) "@Lavlav — George"

Lavlav) "OKAY! So apparently I cannot tell them apart" 

Pansybaby) "@Lavlav - Lol your okay Theo only knew because he was in love with them" 

thatguytheo) "@Pansybaby — "was in love with them" STILL AM" 

ChooChoo) "I'm just the mistress" 

Dray) "@ChooChoo - It's okay, we all lose to the Weasley twins" 

Weasleytwins) "@Dray — Sorrows, sorrows, prayers - G" 

Pasnsybaby) "@weaslytwins- I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST-" 

Flintly) "Spoken like true royalty" 

Weasleytwins) "@Flintly — George got a big head mate" 

Dray) "@Weasleytwins — BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE THE SHIT"

Pansybaby) "@Dray — I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT!!!" 

Thatguytheo) "I might still have a chance! Fred might be taken, but George isn't" 

Weaslytwins) "@Thatguytheo — Shitttt I meannnnnnnn" 

ChooChoo) "@weaslytwins- as long as we can share, I am okay with it!" 

Dray) "The twins get more action than anyone else" 

Pansybaby) "@Dray — FR FR!!! Like the fuck?" 

Weaslytwins) "Clam down lady, we can form a line - G" 

thatguytheo) "MOVE BITCHES ME FIRST" 

Loonylovegood) "@thatguytheo - At that point no one else will get a chance LMAO" 

CorMClaggen) "@Loonylovegood - I think that is the point" 

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