John/Shaun and Suzanna/Suzy being the best-

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I have this theroy that Suzy and Shaun are actually sibling. And since she went to the Shadows House, Shaun made it his goal to go there as well. To see his sister.

I feel like when John's in the hospital. Suzanna vists him the most. Not only to check up on him but to also hang out.

Like I said in one of my previous chapters, I feel like once John recovere, his soot power will become more powerful, and would make Suzanna very proud.

After John and Suzanna met. I feel like he would go to his room and practice to be her. Ending up with some very interesting conversations when Shaun or Kate walks in.

Shaun: What are you doing-

John: uhhh- drugs-

I feel like Suzanna once walked by Louise and Benjamin's training sessions. After that she envited Mousie over to ask her questions about that. They become good-ish friends so Lousie tought her to make those figures out of soot.

Suzanna is great at art. Prove me wrong-

Suzanna made a painting of John and Shaun and kept it over her bed. Leaving a very interesting conversation with Barbara and Barbie.

Barbara: Hey Suzanna can you help me get this thorn out of my finger- 😶

Barbie: *insert Tanjiro disgusted face but with a raised eyebrow.*

Suzy: 😃

Suzanna: Wait let me explain-

Barbara: Mom! (Kate) Suzanna is being obsessed with John-

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