Forging A Team! Attack On Hydra Part 3

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Deeper in the forest, soldiers were running, driving or flying out, prepared to fight some heroes that were apparently being a threat to them. At first, it seemed as if there was no one there, except for their own kind. Maybe a few animals here and there, but nothing too out of the ordinary. However, not long after, a sniper rifle went off, taking out a soldiers immediately which caught everyone off guard. Next, two soldiers were lifted into the air and vanished without a trace. Lastly was a missile hitting a jeep carrying multiple soldiers and weapons. "The hell was that?!" They call out before seeing a grey suit of armor. "IT'S IRON MAN BLAST HIM!" They immediately aim their weapons at him, ready to kill.

The armored hero rolled his eyes under his helmet. "It's War Machine you idiots...." He mumbled before showing off a chain gun on his right shoulder, shooting down multiple soldiers with ease. "Why does everyone keep calling me under Tony's name????? We look totally different with our armor for gods sake!" He shouted before punching another jeep, destroying it with ease.

Out of the shadows, Sam Wilson, now known as Eagle, threw his shield out at a Hydra soldier to knock him out. He catches it midair and flies around, launching metal feathers at them next. "Calm down, it's not like they'll last long enough to care anyway. Besides we still have our mission, remember?" Eagle said while kicking a soldier out of a nearby tree.

Meanwhile, Bucky burst out of the battlefield next, grabbing hold of a soldiers machine gun on a jeep and crushing it with his metal arm. He then kicks him off and shoots down enemy soldiers near him. "Rhodey, you take care of those arial forces, make sure they can't hit either of us. Sam, gimme a hand with the rest of them down here." He ordered while continuing to shoot down the ground troopers.

Rhodey immediately flew up, taking on jets, ships and any soldiers in the Iron Man knockoff armors he could find. Thankfully, the soldiers piloting the Iron Man armors seemed to be struggling to use them effectively, and any others were just Doombots that he could handle easily. Not to mention the experience he's already had with using his own armor, and fighting alongside Tony, of course he knew how to handle himself. As he got closer, he started shooting soldiers with both his rocket launcher on his left shoulder, and the machine gun on his right shoulder. "No you don't. You aren't getting away to hurt them." He stated confidently while punching a jet out of the sky.

Meanwhile, Eagle launched feathers from his wings at ground forces, while  flying around to confuse the enemy below. "There's no way they have this many forces out here by sheer coincidence." He stated before landing next to some soldiers and kick or punch them. He knew he wasn't as strong as Steve or Bucky, but the hero also knew he could pack a punch still. He then grabs his pistols, rapidly shooting enemies headed their way as he took off into the air again.

Bucky in the meantime, was using the machine gun in the jeep to eliminate any and all members of Hydra, occasionally switching to shooting them in the air or in trees to eliminate any snipers in the area. He was doing his best to make sure he was protecting Sam from getting sniped since the suit he wore wasn't exactly the heaviest armor out there. Just enough for him to fly around at fast speeds. When he felt that he was done with the machine gun, he sent the jeep crashing into a gamma super soldier, knocking him into a tree after he jumped out. "Of course not. They're trying to take over the world one small city at a time! Though admittingly, them needing this many guys...unless there's some big military force I don't see why they're even needing to use them...." Bucky said while trying to understand the situation even a little bit better.

Rhodey continued to fly about, shooting down planes with his rockets. Thankfully the aerial forces were starting to die down a little bit, just enough for him to finally fly toward his allies to shoot others near Bucky to give him cover. "I think I know somethings they could be after....." He admitted before slamming into another jeep, then throwing it at a group of soldiers. With that, it exploded, several soldiers getting caught in the blast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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