Chapter 1

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Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read this. I really needed an academic rivals AU with my mans Oikawa so I just decided to write it myself. No clue how often updates will be, but its only the first chapter, so we can see how it goes.


You cracked open your eyes, groaning at the sunlight leaking through your blinds. When you rolled over and grabbed your phone, it shone 7:45 am on the screen. You gasped, leaping up and running to the bathroom. 

“Y/n! Get down here!” Your mom yelled, her voice practically shaking the whole house. She hated it when you were late. You hurriedly ran around, brushing your teeth and putting on mismatched socks. It took only ten minutes, but your mom was infuriated by the time you made it downstairs, grabbing a granola bar on the way out the door.

“Bye, mom. I have track tonight so I’ll be home late. Don’t wait up for me.” She turned away from you, refusing to acknowledge your words. You sighed, and shut the door, taking a moment before starting to speedwalk towards the school. It was only a five-minute walk from your house, but school started in five minutes, so you really needed to hurry. Shoving open one of the heavy metal doors, you rushed through the hall. Turning the last corner to your first period, you slammed into someone. 

A “sorry” started to escape your mouth, but it halted once you looked up. “You okay?” Brown eyes met yours, and you stepped back, startled. Toru Oikawa stood in front of you. The womanizing, incredibly annoying team captain of the boy's volleyball team. You and him had been rivals since the beginning of time, ever since he beat you in the elementary spelling bee. You had tried to avoid him as much as possible, but it was difficult when you had multiple classes together.

“Oikawa get out of my way, we’re going to be late.” You stepped around his muscular body, opening the door to your classroom right as the bell rang. Oikawa filled in after you, going to his seat close to the windows on the opposite side of the class. History was a boring class to have first period, and most people sitting at their desks looked like they wanted to run out of there. If not for the exam coming up in a couple of days, you would have too. You quickly sat down, your seat being at the front, to see the board better.
  Reaching into your backpack, you pulled out your notetaking supplies and started copying down the words from the board.
Feeling a disturbance in the force, you looked up and saw those stupid shit brown eyes looking into yours. You give him a ‘what?’ motion with your hands, and he points at his pencil, without an eraser. Rolling your eyes, you go back to your work. Oikawa can ask anyone in class for a pencil, so you don’t need to answer him. Not when your teacher is writing a million words per minute on the board. 

 “Y/n,” a barely audible whisper, “Pleaseeeee?” You looked up again, to find Oikawa with his hands clasped together, as though he’s begging you for a pencil. ‘Fine.’ You mouthed, and found a random pencil in your bag that you didn't like. Its grip was too weird for the mass amounts of notes you take, so you never used it. Your least favorite pencil for your least favorite person. You forked over the pencil, into his waiting hand. “Thanks I-”

“Oikawa, Y/n, is there something more interesting than World War Two?” The teacher turned towards you two, one hand on her hip. Of course, Oikawa just had to go and get you in trouble too. 

“No, please continue.” You said as if the dust on the floor wasn't more interesting than the boring lesson. You glared at Oikawa, and he just gave an annoying smile back. Again, you sighed and turned back to the board. No distractions. As a third-year student, this year mattered greatly to you, a chance for colleges to see what you could offer. And with you having to support your mom, you couldn’t afford to slack off, especially not with Shittykawa. 

The lesson went by quickly, but your workload had become greater, with another essay to write on top of the exam. Sometimes, you really hated your history teacher. Once the bell rang, you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders, and you were excited for your next class. Chemistry. Science was one of the things you always loved, and after high school, you wanted to be a biochemist. And, without Oikawa in that class, you enjoyed it a lot more. 

The rest of the day went by, uneventful for the most part. After school, you headed straight for the track field, where the last meet of the year awaited you. For the meet, you would be running the 4x4, and you were lucky enough to be picked as the anchor, so all the pressure would be on you. Surveying the field, you saw that many people gathered to watch, from all the schools participating. You saw Aoba Johsai’s white and turquoise jerseys and went over to meet them. Everyone was pumped, which made you even more nervous. 

Through the large crowd, one person stood out. Tall, with chocolate brown hair that bristled slightly in the breeze. Somehow, your eyes found themselves landing on Oikawa, always surrounded by people. You didn’t understand how someone could be so sociable all the time. I guess it helps to be incredibly narcissistic. As you watched, Oikawa burst into laughter, at something Iwaizumi said. You could hear it from where you were standing; happy, genuine. You bent down into a stretch but paused when you saw Oikawa break away from his group. To start walking right towards you. 

Sighing, you turned your head, pretending not to see the tall man coming your way. “Y/n!” His hands were resting in his pockets, an easy smile on his face. 

“What do you want Oikawa?” You snap.

He held his hands up, “Woah, you don’t need to be so mean Y/n. I just wanted to watch you lose today.” As always, he just had to antagonize you for his sadistic reasons. 

You scoff. “Didn’t realize you cared about me so much.” You met his gaze, unwilling to be the first to back down. 

“Of course I do! I’ve waited so long to see goody-two-shoes Y/n be embarrassingly beaten in front of crowds of people!” The cunning smile on Oikawa’s face was nothing like his sarcastic voice. 

He was really pushing your buttons today. “You wish, Oikawa. Who scored higher than you on the math exams?” You stare up at him, anger showing through your eyes, “Oh yeah, I did.” 

“Y/n! Get to the track now!” Coach called, and you jogged away, leaving Oikawa looking stunned. Annoying prick. Focusing on the track, you saw that the third runner had already started, but she was slightly falling behind. She was passed by two other teams, but you were ready. Oikawa’s words bounced around in your head. You couldn’t lose. You couldn’t. Not in front of all these people at least. 

You get to your lane, hand at the ready for the baton. If only the third girl could run a little faster. When she finally placed the baton in your hand, you took off. Legs pumping as fast as you could will them to go. You hawked down the first girl, but another was further ahead. You took a deep breath and sprinted. Faster, faster, nearing the finish. The girl was twenty feet ahead. Fifteen. Ten. Seconds away from the finish line, you closed the gap, pulling just ahead of the other girl. Cheers erupted from the stands, which you hadn’t even noticed the whole time.

Gulping in the air, you cheered along with them, reveling in your victory. You searched the stands, looking for Oikawa, wanting to rub this in his dumb face. He was nowhere to be found. Probably ran away after seeing he was wrong. It didn’t matter that much, not when you just finished out the track season with an amazing win for your team. You could gloat later.

“Y/n!” Watari ran up to you, a grin plastered on his face. The second-year had become fast friends with you in the past year after you had once made fun of Oikawa in front of him and he laughed along. “You were amazing!” He held up his wallet. “Let's go get hotpot. On me!”

You laughed, “How can I resist free food?” The two of you walked away together, unaware of another watching jealously from afar. 

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