This is annoying

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#previous episode#

"You wanna be like me huh okay let me tell you what must gotta TRAIN like your life depends on it and remember you not training for yourself but you are training to protect what you care for understand"

"YES sir I understand what should I call"

"Call me Kazuki...Kazuki hanagaki"

"Okay thanks bye Kazuki san"

"Bye kid"

With that the kid ran home and left me alone

"Mmmm i feel like I Just birthed a monster...well anyway I'm hungry let's go eat"

With that said I left to the shop to get me some munchies for tum tum

But I met someone that's very annoying to deal with


#current episode#

I was running like my life depends on it 'I will no I will never let that annoying brat come and barge in on my plan to relax and chill' with that in mind I kept running making turns amd things and ran in a shop where I saw the captains and vice captain of toman and I just stood there absolutely defeated 'just my fucking luck dammit can't I just get one day without these idiots involved' After thinking that I looked up and they were all looking at me and drake was calling on to me with a smile and just when I wanted to turn around and leave I heard a voice at behind me "Kazuki it's very rude to run away from your friend" and I knew that voice and I was the leader of toman Mikey and my ass is now stuck with these dumb assholes

"Hey Mikey what is it that you would chase me around Like a perverted pedophile running after a child"

After I said that Mikey got defensive "hey hey hey I'm not a pervert nor am I a pedophile" Mikey says and I said "yeah yeah I get it" after saying that I walked to the table full of toman members and sat down while all of them were looking at me with curious eyes

"well guys here Kazuki Hanagaki a new member of toma-" before he could finish I interrupted him "I've never said I'll join I said I'll think about your offer" then Mikey looked at me with a pout "then hurry up and make your decision-makers says and I just look at him and then I looked at his friends and asked "does he always act like a kid" after I Said they all just nodded there heads

"HEYY!! I DO NOT ACT LIKE A KI-" "there there no need to shout shhh"i say patting his head "HEYY LEAVE MAH MY HEAD ALONE" Mikey says pushing my hands off of his head

"Just make up your decision" mikey says looking at me "sighhh....Fine I'll join" I say knowing I can't drag it out for long "yesssss that's good you and your brother will join toman" Mikey says "sigh I hope I didn't make a mistake" i say "we having a gang meeting after Saturday so make sure sure be there at aunday or I forgot you don't know where it is ummm Kenchin will pick you up at your house" Mikey says

Kazuki: wait a motherfucking minute how the fuck do you know where I live

Mikey: I asked my members to find out where you live

Kazuki:....sighhhh whatever me and my brother will see you then

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