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Harry had never been one to stand out much in a crowd. The boy was small for his age, a curse that he had inherited from his mother rather than anything malicious. Growing up as he had, surrounded by the people that he had, the boy was more of one to weave through a crowd than to draw eyes to him on purpose (his mother like to laugh with his father at just how unlike either of them this was, but it couldn't be helped with how much the boy took after his uncles.)

He has never been one to draw much attention from others - and he wasn't now - but those around him were.

Uncle Padfoot was laughing with Mum and Dad as the trio trailed behind the boy in the crowd, hurrying to keep up with the young wizard as he moved through the rest of the gathered families as if they were water (it was easy to do so when he already had a destination in mind. When no one was paying the boy any mind). Harry ignored the way that people's gazes caught on the trio, he'd grown used to it after so many years of them doing so.

Even after eleven years the gazes still clung to the war heroes, though they weren't as heavy on the trio as they were on some of the others that had fought.

As they were on Uncle Moony.

Harry smiled as the familiar sight of flames entered his vision, the Weasley family standing outside of one of the train cars as the five children present looked around the train station as their mother spoke pleasantly with a familiar blond woman and her son. The two youngest boys returned his grin as Harry was finally sighted by the two families, Mrs. Weasley and Ms. Black nodding silently to the other three adults as the children greeted one another as if they hadn't seen each other only a few days before to buy last minute things for school.

(Harry always hated and loved shopping with the other two families. He'd known the Weasleys since he was young to remember doing so. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had fought alongside his parents and Uncles and Aunts in the war, though Mr. and the then Mrs. Malfoy had fought for the losing side. Mr. Malfoy had died in the final battle, his body bloodied and splattered as if it had fallen from a height that the auros couldn't explain. Narcissa had been left to raise her son alone in the aftermath of the war, with the rest of her family having either been killed during that last battle, or a member of the winning side.

It hadn't meant much to anyone else, but Narcissa had changed her name back to Black in the first year after the war. It hadn't meant much to anyone but only other surviving Blacks and those that called them family.

Regulus had been quick to welcome the older Black back into his family, having been close with his cousin when they were in school together and Sirius had hardly spoken to him at all. The others from their group had been quick to accept the woman and her son too after seeing how easily Remus and Pandora had.

Remus had never been close with the older Black in school, but he did remember how they had worked together to get Sirius and her our the engagement, the way that she hadn't truly looked down on him for his blood but just for being a nosy child poking his nose into things where it didn't belong.

Pandora had never spoken to the other woman in school, she hadn't needed to when they were in such different years and different houses as well. But they were technically family with Bellatrix having married Pandora's brother. They were family and Pandora thought that she was tired of seeing families hurt one another.

So, Remus, Regulus, Pandora, Evan, and Barty had welcomed the mother and her son easily into the family that they had made for themselves, though it had taken Sirius - and by extension James and Lily - longer for them to do the same. They had eventually though, Harry gaining another cousin that day when he was five and had first met the blond boy. Harry had loved Luna as fiercely as a brother in everything but blood could, and easily accepted the other boy once he saw that Draco was the same with the young witch.

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