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It was a long 5 minutes of silent, everyone to tense to think to speak, but in a short amount of time, Azora ran into the two DWMA meisters kid had spoke of, hulling behinding them a very much zombified Sid. The two meister stopped in their place as they seen Azora, the one , Maka, she knew seldomly, aside from her stellar performance in school she knew nothing else about her. As for the second meister she knew him all to well, Black star was a very outspoken and all around ignorant to his surroundings, and for her taste, far to narcissistic. "So who are they?" maka's weapon spoke up over the silence, "i dont know ive never seen them before" maka chimes in.

"Well... im a student at DWMA, and you must be Maka and Black star... with your respective weapons, Soul and Tsubaki" Azora give a somewhat disingenuous bow.
"Pfff...come on, who ever this is doesn't concern us we have to go and give whoever did this to Sid a lesson" black star loudly boast as he walks right pass Azora, being the usual annoyance he always is. "Speaking of which" Azora tries to continue the conversation "what DID happen to Sid, last i heard he died, and yet here he is... robbed of his rest" Azore and her weapons started to grow angry, not only was one of their favorite teachers killed, but someone had gone and disgraced him to bring him back from the dead. As if sensing Azora's anger Maka speaks up "we don't entirely know... but we are dealing with the problem right now, its getting late you should head back to the academy", Nova pokes her head out of her weapon form "YA!!... im tired and want to study for my tests... can we leave them to their after school activities and lets head back home?!"

Azora sighs, she agrees, she wants nothing to do with whats about to go down and would rather be in a hot bath, but... kid sounded more the worried for these two meisters... not to mention from the looks of it they looked ruffed up from what ever happened prior to them getting sid in bindings. "If its alright, i'd like to tag along... sid meant a lot to me, and im sure that my weapons agree when we say we want to give who ever this is a lesson too", "well... i don't see why you cant. Just, be careful" maka continues to walk off with blackstar, Azora follows closely behind, the whole time blackstar never seemed to stop talking, had it not been a direct request from kid she would of more then likely bailed on them, maka was moping with soul about how they aren't resinating properly... and blackstar just kept talking about, well, himself. But as what should of been a five minute walk felt to stretch on and on Azora grew lost in her own mind as her weapons talked among themselves. The relationship the two meisters had with their weapons was something Azora relished, she would often studied with Nova, the two of them would have fun making flash cards... but Azora never learned anything about her personal life, Zoey and her would often eat out together, but Azora never knew much about her aside from a favorite food or two... and Seraphina and her would often blast music and play instruments, yet Azora had not confidence to say she was really a friend to any of the sisters. Azora watched these meisters talk with their weapons as if they were family, and grew jealous that she denied herself such comfort again falling for her insecurities.
"Azora your doing it again, get yourself out of your own head, we are almost their" Seraphine comes out of her weapon form and walks by her. "My Death, you really need to stop doing that, you know you are only going to hurt yourself in the long run right?"
"Doing what?"
"Oh don't play dumb, even if we aren't currently resinating, i can read you like a book"

"Im still not following, im simply wondering why~"
"Ya, you know you cant play dumb, you need to stop looking at yourself in such negative light, remember what Sid use to say when he was... well.. Alive, a soul is only as strong as a mind" Seraphine stretches as she walks along side her. Following their sister, Nova, and Zoey come out of their weapon forms and takes their spots next to Azora as they follow closely behind "you know" Zoey starts off, as ecstatic as she normally is "you could always do some self confidence practices", "No, we both know our meister would NEVER be caught talking to herself in the mirror" Nova lightly pesters. The weapon triplets erupt into laughter, each of the bouncing off the other like a well tuned symphony. As Azora walks in silence she locks eyes with sid, who was now walking beside her.
"You know, when i was alive i was one for understanding my short comings... but being dead really put into perspective of how pointless it was"
"Im sorry?"
" look, all im trying to say is you shouldn't let your weaknesses consume you, dont fear death instead work to build your strengths... and don't close yourself off, no one is holding you to a standard, no one is~" sid was interrupted by a somewhat pissed off Azora
"Pfff, as if id take anything from something who has loss the fear of death..."
"Being absent of that fear does not make someone inhuman"
"I'd beg to differ, how can you even call yourself the same man who taught me to fight with my weapons, if you cant even remember the reason you told me we fight"

Just as abruptly as Their conversation ends, maka turns around and gives a small chuckle at the sight of the sisters, then looks at Azora, "you know, i dont believe we ever got your name." maka slows down to walk next to her. "And yet you seem to know the four of us".

"Oh, forgive me im never good at introductions" Azora falls silent again

"So are you not going to tell me your name" maka chuckles as soul comes out of his weapon form. Azora turns away in shame, "oh... im Azora". Maka sighs "well "Azora" do you have a last name?" the air turns quiet, before Nova speaks up "she is very protective of that information, dont take it wrong", Seraphina walks behind Azora, putting her arm around her "She hasn't even told us her last name. And we've been partners for 3 years"

"Speaking of which i want to ask, most meisters have trouble with learning to use one weapon partner, more have trouble having two... but you have three, thats an achievement and quite the impressive one"

"You would think so, in fact im sure if anyone else managed to do it they would never shut up about it... but not out meister, NO, so humble is she" nova playfully punches Azora who seems to shy away from the two sisters.

" she believes it was easy because we are triplets" zoey chimes in as she jumps onto nova's back proceeding to hitch a ride on her sister "but we keep telling her that we might look alike but we aren't the same person... she believes our souls are close enough bonded with each other that all she needed to do was achieve resonate with one of us to "bond" with all of us"
Maka looks confused but just before maka could ask her questions Azora spoke up "its not impressive at all, nothing i can do is, im just as good as the average meister... but enough about me please, lets just focus on the task at hand"
"Great, so on top of having a unwanted following she is depressing" black star taunts as he walks ahead, but just as the three sisters were about to jump up in defense Tsubaki counters him, "you know black star thats not very nice", of course black star erupts into his normal narcissistic rant, to which Azora had come to accept and as annoying norm. But during this time, zoey voice interrupts black stars rant, " you know, we've all kinda introduced ourselves, aside form the white haired kid" Zoey points at soul, "whats your name?"
" im Soul, the coolest guy you will ever meet" soul dramatically says as he leans back with his walk. Zoey looked in awe, as Nova and Maka cringe at the comment.
"My death you are almost as narcissistic at black star" Seraphina sighs
"Please, no one is as narcissistic as that guy" souls retorts, as he puts his hands back in his pockets. "And besides, im going to be one of lord deaths's death scythes... so who is really the coolest here"
Azora roles her eyes "please... as if thats a note worthy achievement... its a goal, not a pride"
"Ok, what is your problem... do you have a few wires crossed?" soul defensively responds. "How can you say that getting to the rank of Death Scythe is not a sign of pride?"

"Trust me Soul... its nothing to boast about, its an empty achievement that leaves you wanting more" Azora exhaled as Nova picked up. "Dont take offense of her, shes never liked the idea that our only goal is to become a weapon for lord death, shes never gone into more detail on why, but it sometimes feels like its personal"

"Ya, it felt personal, maybe she is just pissed that she will never be as cool as us" soul laughed as they all continued walking"

The chatter between the meisters would grow dense as they learned more about each other, Azora kept out of most the talking unless something was addressed to her, but as they reach closer to their destination... they all grew quiet as a sense of fear fell over them, and they prepared themselves to face what unspeakable horrors lied inside this old stone house.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 09 ⏰

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