Questionable Lesson Plans

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But ever the opportunist to make a joke, Jay mouths to her 'C' and she tries not to laugh.

"She's not waking up, what do you do next? A, search the room for something that could have caused it. B, leave her there to wake up on her own. Or C, cover her with a fuzzy blanket."

The Villain kids look between themselves, all now on the edge of their seats and Carlos warily raises his hand. "A, I'd search the room."

"You find an apple with a bite taken out of it, the apple is poisoned and it's close to midnight, what do you do?" The room grows serious and Georgie's face visibly pales; this scenario is too real, it happened to her mum. She tries to cover up her emotions by letting out a small laugh, but it sounds much more like a nervous laugh than she meant it to.

The air in the room stills a bit. Jay gives a confused face. "That's silly, who would want to poison Georgie?"

When Fairy Godmother doesn't answer the Villain kids are suddenly uncomfortable. Before they'd just been picking whatever answers didn't sound fun, but now, there's real stakes attached; it isn't funny anymore. They all stand up out of their chairs to think better. "Do you A, leave her there and give up. B, search for an antidote. Or C—"

Jay cuts Fairy Godmother off and puts his hands on the desk. "I'd choose B and D."

"Jay, honey, there isn't an option D—"

"I'd find the antidote and then I'd go beat up whoever did it." There's a glint of anger in his voice, no one doubts that this would be his real plan if something like this were to happen.

Fairy Godmother shakes her head, not condoning the notion that Jay should go beat someone up. "The person who did it is long gone, and there might not be time to grab an antidote." Fairy Godmother looks down at her watch and starts a timer. "It's two minutes to midnight, what are you all going to bibbidi-bobbidi do?"

Mal lowers her hand from under her chin. "Two minutes! That's not enough time!" This causes a small squabble to break out between Jay and Mal.

Fairy Godmother only shrugs in response. Georgie goes to speak to try and help the VKs out with an answer, but Fairy Godmother shushes her. "Unconscious people can't speak, Georgie."

"While they're debating I'd go run off to try and find the antidote," says Carlos impatiently. Fairy Godmother gives a nod, acknowledging Carlos' answer. However, she doesn't stop the watch.

Jay runs a hand through his hair and begins to pace around the room. "What else is there if there isn't an antidote?"

"We could call for help," supplies Evie.

Angrily, Jay shakes his head. "Didn't you hear her? We've only got two minutes, they'll never get here in time."

"I'd go look for someone with magic who can help," says Mal confidently.

Jay rolls his eyes; now there are only two of them left in the imaginary scenario's room. He and Evie pace back and forth as Fairy Godmother lets them know there's only one minute remaining.

"Think Evie, think!" she says tapping her hand on her head in an attempt to get her thoughts flowing. Poor Georgie is still stuck frozen at the front of the room. "I've got it! True love's kiss!"

"Evie! This isn't the time for sappy stuff, she's dying!" stresses Jay.

"No, no, no, I'm serious! True love's kiss is more powerful than any spell." Evie looks to Fairy Godmother for approval but she merely gives a coy shrug and announces only twenty seconds are left.

"Fine! I go look for whoever it is, and I get them to give her true love's kiss," announces Jay impatiently. Evie nods, agreeing with Jay.

Fairy Godmother stares at them for a moment, seeing if they'll change their answer. Everyone shifts uncomfortably under the weight of the silence. Abruptly, she clicks the stop button on her watch. "And five seconds left on the clock. That is correct Jay and Evie true love's kiss is the correct answer."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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