First Day of School

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The next day, Georgie crawls out of her bed and drags herself around the room to get ready. Perhaps volunteering to join Remedial Goodness 101 class was a bad decision because now she can't sleep in in the mornings. She and Audrey move around one another in the room and go at separate times to get their breakfast. If they were closer, Georgie would ask her if she and Ben are alright because she saw them fighting in the courtyard the previous day but that isn't something Audrey would tell her about.

She glances down at her watch and realizes she's taking too long to get ready so she quickly picks out a mauve blouse and a pair of black pants. Brushing her teeth, she hops around trying to get her leg through the pant hole.

Soon she's out the door, purse in hand making sure she has everything she needs. Several other students wave at her as she walks along the campus and she returns them with a smile and wave of her own. She rounds the final corner to the classroom which is really just a makeshift area where presentations usually happen, there are no doors to the classroom and it's open to one of the atriums. Georgie secretly hopes that people won't try to come and stare at the Villain kids. Speaking of Villain kids, to her surprise they've beaten her to class.

A bright and cheery Fairy Godmother greets her. "Ah Miss Philip, right on time as always."

The Villain kids simultaneously turn around to look at her. "She's in our class too?" questions Mal.

Fairy Godmother nods. "Miss Philip chose Remedial Goodness 101 as one of her electives."

Georgie sits down casually trying to downplay her reasoning for being there, aware that everyone is staring at her. She can tell that they have no idea why she would choose to be in this class.  She shrugs. "It was either this or take advanced chemistry." All the Villain kids nod in understanding although they're all still looking at Georgie with a little suspicion. Fairy Godmother gives her a disapproving look for lying but doesn't say anything about it.

In class, Georgie mostly does student council work but tries to make it look like she's actually taking notes for the class. She answers a question here and there to help the right answers start to flow. She doesn't know if it's sad or funny how wrong they keep getting the answers. Georgie supposes there's a learning curve to it all.

Yet, Mal starts to catch on quickly, the only one getting the right answers for a while until she explains her methodology. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun." After that, the Villain kids start to catch on pretty quick.

Jay holds Carlos' hand down so that he can answer the question. "C, you turn it in to the proper authorities."

A defeated Carlos murmurs, "I was going to say that."

"But I said it first." Jay grabs Carlos, pulling him over the desk in a headlock. The only expression on Georgie's face is shock and Mal gives her a grin letting her know that they do it all the time. 

"Boys!" calls Fairy Godmother as she taps on the podium with her pointer. Not listening to her, Jay puts him in some sort of hold on the desk and continues to taunt him. "Boys!" They finally turn to her attention. "I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." She points out the window in the direction of the field.

Georgie is impressed, Fairy Godmother is right. The boys, or at least Jay certainly, will make a good addition to the tourney team. Poor Coach Jenkins gets a lot of boys who are born with silver spoons in their mouths and don't know how to work for themselves.

Fairy Godmother dismisses them and Georgie doesn't collect her stuff not expecting anyone else to wait up for her anyway. There's so much she needs to do. Parent's Day is coming up in three weeks and she needs to get a plethora of things by then, including arranging for the dorms to be deep cleaned the day before. Not to mention the multiple opening month events and items she needs to attend to. She needs to call her dad and—"Can I help you?" she says dryly to Jay who is standing over her.

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