A Prayer Away [NEW]

964 59 6

Pairing: Mother Miranda x Reader

Pronouns: She/Her

Warning(s): Hints/Mentions of abuse/torture

"Mother Miranda," I sighed and shut my eyes, praying to the priestess. "Please, take me away from this family. They don't understand...I don't want to marry that farmer — I...I want to marry someone I love — someone I'm attracted to."

"...This is fucking stupid," I sighed after a few beats of silence. "She won't hear me, and even if she did, there's no way Mother Miranda would help me. I'm a nobody."

I climbed into bed and stared out my window, watching a bird land on my windowsill. "...Hi there," I smiled when the bird chirped, slowly sitting up before glancing at my door. '...It's quiet. Maybe they fell asleep?' With a deep breath, I quietly got out of bed and opened the window, giggling when the bird hopped inside.

"Are you thirsty? I can leave a bowl of water out on the windowsill," I whispered and cautiously brought a finger up, petting the crow gently. "I've never been this close-..." I frowned when I heard footsteps coming upstairs. "You need to leave."

I quickly motioned for the bird to leave — thankful when it left immediately — before closing and locking my window, climbing back into bed, and pretending to be asleep. 'I just hope they buy it this time...'

My eyes fluttered open before pain shot through my body, a soft hiss escaping me in the process. '...It never works...' I struggled off of the floor, leaning against the wall as I made my way to the bathroom. 'I'd rather live with my old stepfather than this one and mom.' My eyes remained glued to the floor, not wanting to see how bad the morning after was this time. 'I already know I have a busted lip... I don't want to see the rest of the damage. People in the village will give me the same looks anyway.'

'Pity. Yet they refuse to do anything to save me from it all,' I sighed after my shower, getting dressed before heading downstairs. My body froze at the scene before me. 'What...What happened?!' My eyes widened — heart rate increasing — as I took in the bloody scene. My Mother was on the floor near the front door, and a hole in her back let me know someone had ripped her heart out.

When a loud thud was heard, I covered my mouth in an attempt to silence my gasp, stumbling behind the hallway corner so whoever was in the house couldn't see me if they returned to the main entrance. I flinched at every heel click that echoed in the otherwise silent house — the only other sound being my quiet, shaky breathing and pounding heart. When the heels started coming up the stairs, I quickly and quietly returned to my room. I silently thanked Mother Miranda when my bed didn't make a sound, gripping the knife under my pillow once the heels stopped at the top of the stairs.

'For once, I'm glad they left the knife after torturing me,' I tried to keep my breathing under control as the heels began making their way to my room. 'If they attack me...' My thoughts stopped when the heels stopped in my doorway, a pair of eyes burning into my back. A soft hum left the person before they sat on the edge of my bed, my body flinching when the person placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you still want help, or are you going to use that knife on your savior?"

'Mother Miranda?!' My eyes flew open as I turned on my back, shock running through me when my eyes locked on the woman's face. '...She's...So hot under that mask. Especially up close.'

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