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I was so happy Tobi was back by my side that I giggled as I wrapped my arms tightly around his middle section and leaned my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes as I let myself become immersed in Tobi's comforting grip. I felt a hard thump in the middle of his chest as it sounded like Tobi took in a breath and coughed. I lifted my head and opened my eyes to look up at Tobi. Was he okay? Tobi's dark green eyes quickly met mine and he gave me a little half smile to let me know he was alright. Tobi's eyes were warm and seemed to shine. I realized that I knew I could fully trust Tobi. It was like I could tell what he was feeling and I could feel that Tobi wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt me. He chuckled lightly, "I admit, I kind of like this and I could easily get used to it."

"It looks like she feels the same way." CC said, "Your girlfriend is absolutely precious, Tobe. She's special, so don't let her get away."

I hated how those words reminded me that I was human. I'm not free in the way they are. I'm just a pet. I leaned my head back down on Tobi's shoulder and closed my eyes, wishing I could really be immortal like them. CC groaned, "You know, if I didn't know she was a pet, I would think that she was just absolutely smitten with you."

I felt another hard thump in Tobi's chest before I realized it was his heartbeat that I was feeling. Tobi's other hand found my left hand underneath the blanket, "Good. That means she's safe. Just don't let it slip, CC. I really don't want her to get hurt."

CC huffed, "I wasn't even the last one that let a secret slip! I'm so good with secrets. I forget everything. Jinxx is the one that can't shut up."

"Tobi?" I asked so softly that I barely made a sound, afraid of the answer to the question I was about to ask. I felt Tobi tilt his head down to look at me, "Hmm?"

"Am I going to be your girlfriend forever?" I whispered. I wouldn't mind being with Tobi forever, but forever is a long time. Will he keep me that long without getting bored of me? Will he want to keep me that long? Is Justin going to regret saving me? What if neither of them want anything to do with me after a while? Tobi gave a small, amused, chuckle, "I'm not sure how long we have to pretend to date, but it won't be forever. Unless something happens and we both fall in love with each other. Then we would be together forever, if we wanted."

A whine escaped my throat even though I didn't want it to. Tobi rubbed his left hand up and down on my back in a way to comfort me, "What's with that sad sound? Is there something—"

"Please don't leave me." I whispered, fearing having to meet new people and change around owners. I didn't like when things were different and new. Tobi sighed, "I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you. You're safe here, with us."

Andy got off of the couch, his absence made the cushion bounce up and I opened my eyes, quickly scanning the room to make sure Andy was still nearby. When I saw Andy in front of the mirror I closed my eyes again, letting myself soak in the feeling of comfort from being in Tobi's hold. I focused in on the sound of Tobi's heartbeat, liking how the rhythm sounded so calming. I would feel a random, really strong thump after a long pause. I had never heard a vampire's heartbeat before. I didn't think vampires had hearts. Tobi may be a vampire, but at least I know he has a heart because I can hear and feel it. And he seems to really care about me. I felt myself smile. I'm very grateful Justin saved me. But what if I wake up and I'm back at the manor, and this was all a dream? As long as someone is holding me, I will stay in this dream. If I let go, I will wake up. And I don't want to wake up.

"I'm not cold anymore, if you feel awkward and want to move back over. I don't mind staying like this, though, if you prefer it." Tobi said softly. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to let go of me. I couldn't hold back a yawn. I wanted to stay in Tobi's hold forever. As long as I was in his grip then I was away from Evan and the manor. I also didn't have to take care of any babies. I wouldn't get teased. I was safe. Completely safe. I've never felt this safe before.

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