the main characters back stories

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joan- she grew up in a rock n roll household, learning to play guitar when she was only 4, her family slowly started falling apart when she was only 12 because of drugs and alcohol and became abusive so her way out of it was music. but you can't just rock n roll your way out of everything so just like her parents she started smoking and drinking at the young age of 14. she got tired of the constant abusive household so her and her friends started playing music in bars to gain money to buy an apartment and get away from all of their problems at home when they were 16. lucky enough for them they moved into a part of the big city, new york, that was just as obsessed with rock as they were. when her friend group isn't at bars trying to make money by playing music they are at bars looking for men or hanging out with rock bands.

tommy- he was born into a dysfunctional family with a drunk, abusive, rock n roll loving dad and a druggie mom and music was his only way out of it. he always went over his friend, russel's house when things got too bad at home and that's where he learned how to play guitar and before he knew it he was learning how to play almost every instrument. sadly whenever he went back home he got put out of the joy that rock n roll gave him and shoved back into the reality of his horrible home life and that pushed him to do drugs. when he was going through all of that he met 3 other boys who were going through the same things and that brought them together and they became extremely close. russel ,who had already found his escape of reality and was already beginning to teaching tommy, decided to teach all of the boys and before they knew it they had started a bar band and made enough money to move out and move to new york. in their free time they go bar hopping and meet lots of girls.

who knew 2 complete strangers, let alone both of their friend groups could be so similar?

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