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Madelines pov:
I woke up the next morning in Liams hotel room still in his arms, he was already awake but he was just looking at me so I kissed his lips gently "I didn't brush me teeth yet" he spoke smiling a little "it's okay" I spoke kissing his lips again this time for a moment longer "Im gonna shower" he spoke standing up and heading for the bathroom while I layed there still in my clothes from the shoot yesterday I felt gross, "Liam!" I shouted from the bed "what?!" He shouted back "I'm just gonna head back to mine to get changed and I'll come see you after maybe we can go out tonight or summit?" I spoke back but there was a silence "alright see ya later love" he spoke back "bye bye" I spoke before slipping on my shoes and walking out the door and out to catch a cab, I thought about the way we held eachother just like how we did when we were kids, it made me realise that I loved Liam then and I do now nothings changed he's still my Liam,


I was just about finished doing my hair me liam the band and my bestfriend were all going out, I planned on getting drunk anyways like shitfaced, I was wearing a white tiny cropped top that went right up under my boobs and hugged me tight, a black tight tennis skirt thing, my white converse and some white socks to match, I decided to just leave my hair down and straight, I looked at myself in the mirror checking over my outfit until my phone started buzzing on my desk, "hello??" I answered "oi it's bonehead we're outside in a cab cmon" bonehead spoke down the phone "oh okay coming!" I said hanging up before drowning myself in some random perfume my mam got me for Christmas,

I walked out the door of my apartment block and over to the cab Noel opening the door for me from the inside so I could get in, "hi" I spoke putting my seatbelt on it was one of those cabs that had three people on one side and three people on the other side facing you, beside me was Noel and bonehead and on the other side was Liam Tony and guigs buzzing wasn't the word for how I was feeling, Molly, jasmine and Adeline were gonna meet us all there I've never met jasmine before so I was kinda preparing myself for that, "you alright?" Liam asked me tapping my leg I did kind of go quiet "erm yeah I'm fine" I said forcing a smile as I opened the door to get out the fresh air hitting my face, I walked up to the door of the pub where I met Molly with a hug and Adeline and then jasmine just looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed "great" I thought to myself "Yallright? You jasmine yeah?" I spoke to her "yeah you that maddie girl?" She asked in a bitchy kinda tone, she was gorgeous not gonna lie she had long auburn hair and bright green eyes her smile was perfect, I felt kinda nervous incase she stole Liam on me but he wouldn't do that right?, "yeah I am" I spoke "alright molly" Liam piped up behind me snaking his arm around my waist "hiya Liam" she spoke back "alright Liam?" Jasmine spoke chewing her chewing gum with a smirk confusing me on how she knew him and I didn't "alright" Liam said in a low tone looking away "right cmon it's cold out here" Molly spoke up making us all make our way inside,

"Two double gin n tonics please" Liam spoke to the bartender before turning to look down at me with those gorgeous eyes of his "Liam?" I asked him "yeah?" He spoke to me pulling me in closer "how do you know that girl?" I asked him looking at my feet "who jas?" He spoke the nickname making me stomach churn "erm yeah" I spoke moving away a bit "just an old friend that's all love" he spoke turning away to get the drinks off the bartender "oh okay" I spoke taking my drink off him and just downing it in one before ordering two more for myself, "Jesus what you have a bad day or summit?" Liam said only taking his second sip "thanks mate" I spoke to the bartender taking my drinks after paying "no just don't have work tomorrah may as well get shitfaced" I spoke turning on my toes and heading over to the table to seat myself beside Noel and bonehead,

A half an hour had passed and I've drank 8 gin n tonics im so drunk my head spinning and my head resting on Liams shoulder that was the other side of me "yano what we should do like shots" Molly spoke up "yeah for sure I'll go get them..liam you wanna come help me?" Jasmine replied to Molly and Liam just stood up and followed her leaving me there "fuckinnnn heeeellll" I sang in a harmonic voice before lighting up a fag "Jesus how much did she have?" Tony asked his eyebrows furrowing "she's had like 7 or 8 GNTs" bonehead spoke up "im fucking mad fer it!!" I spoke standing up and putting my fist in the air before plonking back down beside Noel just burning his ears off with drunken waffle, Liam and jasmine still aren't back from the bar yet it's been 15 minutes so I decided to get up and go look for them but then I needed to piss so I headed for the toilets, I walked into the bathroom and there was a stall closed but there was kissing sounds coming from it and moans of a girl "you dirty fuckers riding in the girls toilets" I slurred laughing when I noticed a tray of shots left on the sink, my heart sank my stomach churned when I looked under the stall to see a black lacy thong around some black heels and a pair of blue gazelles that were the same as Liams, "Liam?" I choked out tears forming in my eyes "maddie?" Liam asked opening the stall and looking at me with shock in his eyes and guilt all over his face "what are ya doin?" He asked me but I ignored him when I seen a certain auburn haired green eyes beauty behind him "really?" I asked him tears falling from my eyes "her!?" I shouted as I backed away "Madeline I'm sorry" Liam spoke he was in shock and shaking "fuck off Liam!" I spoke waltzing out of the bathroom door but quickly opening it again and barging over to jasmine hitting her a punch square in that perfect upturned nose hearing the bones breaking which brought me joy "and fuck you! Fucking Fanta pubes!!" I spoke before storming out of the bathroom and over to the table we were all sat at quickly doing up two lines for myself to sniff, and zooooom up the nasal pipe it goes the burning sensation feeling amazing, "mads what's wrong?" Noel spoke looking at me "I'm fucking fantastic!" I shouted the tears falling out of my eyes as I laughed "fuckin...fucki..fucking Liam Gallagher I'm liaaaamm Gallagher I tell.. I tell girls I love them and then I go and fuck other girls in the pub toilet!!" I slurred out feeling my eyes rolling around in my head and my knees going all wobbly under me "and yano what fucking Liam Gallagher I just thought you loved me!" I shouted again this time I was angrier and I felt my knees giving out but Noel caught me "cmon let's get you ome" he spoke,

Noel waved down a cab for us to jump in I guessed we were going back to him and Liams hotel or something "what's happend mads?" He asked me my head resting on his shoulder I felt totally gone and numb the tears from my blood shot eyes falling "he fucked jasmine Noel" I slurred "I've been writing songs noely" I spoke to him again "Madeline you didn't deserve that" he spoke "it's whatever he just can't help himself Noel" I spoke again "I'm sorry Madeline" he spoke kissing the top of my head before we got outve the cab and into the lobby of the hotel, "cmon we'll get the lift" Noel spoke with his arm round my waist helping me walk "okay.." I spoke croaky, we arrived at the floor of Noel and Liams hotel room and we went straight in and I sat on the bed.

Noel's pov:
She looked fucked, she looked broken, like she'd fought a war rkids broke her heart, she was sat on the bed and I went to look for one of Liams shirts to put her in I settled on his blue Beatles one that was a bit battered, "yknow I love him Noel..he told me he loved me Noel..." she slurred out her eyes like saucers from the coke or whatever she did on the table in the pub, "he does love ya" i spoke to her while handing her the shirt "I can't do it" she spoke leaving me confused "do what mad?" I asked her "I need help getting this on I can't do it" she spoke looking so weak so I decided to help her, I took her shoes and socks off and then her skirt and her little top before placing Liams t shirt over her head but I left her bra on under Liams shirt just outve respect for her, I layed her down and tucked her into Liams double bed that was beside mine, "Noel?" She asked me "yeah?" I replied "thank you for taking care of me" she spoke before kissing my hand and just panning out on the spot, I felt for her she was only 18 coming into this industry and as much as she loves modelling songwriting, singing and playing the guitar was something she secretly loved doing too I knew there was gonna be song written about the events of tonight, "goodnight mads" I spoke kissing her forehead, she didn't deserve the hurt she feels right now she doesn't deserve anything bad to ever happen to her she's Madeline she don't care what people think well she used to not,

Liams pov:
My heart was racing in the back of the cab that I was in with the lads, I'd broke her heart all I want his her I just did it for drugs, I'm so stupid no drug could ever compare to the happiness maddie brings me and I've fucked it all up again, I hopped outve the cab and got the lift straight up to me and rkids room and when I walked in he was sitting on the end of his bed strumming his guitar a tune I'd never heard before it sounded funky and then my vision turned to my bed there she was, she was wearing my shirt her makeup was wiped off but her tears stained her cheeks the edges of her eyes red raw from crying, she was beautiful but she was broken I stripped down to my boxers and jumped in bed beside her turning my back away from her, as much as I wanted to hold her and tell her I loved her I knew she was mad at me, "Liam?" Noel piped up "yeah?" I slurred out "you fucked up man you need to fix this" he spoke "I know.. I think I love her noel" I choked out my own tears falling "Liam it can be fixed it's you and her you always figure it out" Noel said coming to my level beside the bed "thanks Noel I love ya" I spoke "love ya too rkid" he spoke ruffling my hair before going to bed.

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