"Those gallagher boys!!"

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I woke up the next morning and all the worry and sick feeling I'd had for the last couple days and I was so happy about it, I read the time it said 9:30 I was suspended for the rest of the week after the incident with Holly but honestly she need a good box, I was in one of my Man City jerseys and some grey joggers with some white socks and I just left my hair down, my stomach was growling so I went into the bathroom and used it but when I was looking at myself in the mirror I heard clanking downstairs and a lighter flicking nobody was home Anna was at school and mum and Ethan were at work so who tf was in my house, I grabbed the toilet cleaner that mam bought yesterday and started sneaking down the stairs, "where's all the fookin scran?" I heard somebody say "don't know man why ya askin me? We shouldn't even be here we don't wanna wake her up" another voice said I had no fear I went running in the kitchen charging at the boy in the blue adidas windbreaker and pushed him on the floor so I was straddling his back so I flipped him around and was straddling his waist but as I went to whack him in the face with the toilet cleaner I looked at his face and it was Liam, "shit! Sorry Liam" I said getting up and brushing my hair outve my face Noel was pissing himself laughing in the corner "what the fuck?!" Liam said bringing himself to his feet "what do you mean what the fuck what the fuck are you two doing in my kitchen??!!" I shouted "we were starving and we smoked a joint and there's no scran at our house" Noel piped up from the kitchen table, "you'd could've woken me I can make us all something to eat" I said chuckling "you looked too peaceful.." Liam said "you watched me sleep?" I asked in horror while turning on the oven pre heating it for our jambons and hashbrowns "not really I went up to wake ya and I just couldn't do it" he spoke again slightly laughing sitting down at the table "sleeper watcher are ya rkid" Noel said laughing "fuck up" Liam said kicking Noel's shin, I whipped my head around to look at the pair of them and they just looked at me "if you two keep fighting I'll shove the jambons up your arses" I spoke warning them "sorry" the said at the same time,

We were all sitting around the table eating our food and drinking our tea chatting until the front door opened "oh what did ya invite bonehead to our tea party too?" I asked cheekily to Liam "he's in school mads" noel said "yeah seen him get on the bus" Liam finished as I was about to say something else the kitchen door opened revealing my mam "shit.." "shit..." "shit!" All three of us said one after the other, "what are you all doing here? I know your suspended Madeline but Liam and Noel what are you doing here?" Mam asked confused "erm we can explain" Noel said "Gowan then you first Liam" mam said pointing her finger at him before crossing her arms over her chest "erm well ya see I erm I got in a fight with some lad at school yesterday as well so I'm suspended erm too..." Liam said clearly stoned outve his head but it was decent enough "alright what's your excuse Noel your supposed to be at work" she said now turning to Noel "I took the day off...to er watch Liam since he got in trouble" Noel said looking at his hands while my mam was just looking at him with squinted eyes "Dya think she's avin it?" Liam whispered in my ear "she might" I whispered back "right I don't care they're valid reasons I just forgot my lunch that's all.." she spoke walking over to the fridge grabbing her lunch "don't destroy my house..." she said trailing over to the door before shutting it over behind her "those Gallagher boys" she muttered behind the door making us all giggle "she totally fell for it" Liam said biting a chunk outve his jambon "yeah totally" Noel said chucking after sipping his tea,

About an hour has gone by and we're all sat in my room Noel's at my desk with Ethan's guitar tuning it for him I'm sat on my window sill smoking a cigarette and Liam was laying on the right side of my bed so the side closest to the wall with his arms behind his head, "Noel?" Liam called from my bed making me turn my head towards him "what's up?" Noel replied "will ya get me a glass of water my mouths a desert" Liam said with a desperate look on his face "alright" Noel said before placing the guitar down and leaving the room, I finished my cigarette and plopped myself down beside Liam sitting myself up against the head board "Madeline?" He asked in a soft voice I could tell he was tired "yeah li?" I asked looking down at him "that's a nice jersey" he spoke poking my side making me giggle "thanks Fiona got me it" I said fidgeting with my fingers "here" Noel said making Liam sit up slightly taking the water and gulping it all down in one go "thanks" Liam said "I'll take it" I said taking the glass off him and placing it on my bedside table "thanks" he said as I turned back around to my original position, Noel was playing a song on Ethan's guitar Ethan only liked acoustic guitars he only had that guitar and his electric one, as I was listening to Noel play I felt a pressure on my stomach it was Liams head he had placed his head on my stomach and wrapped his arm around my torso too, "listen erm thanks for the food and that but I'm gonna go home and clean the place up for me mam" Noel said quietly "oh okay I'll see you later then yeah?" I replied to him "yeah okay see ya Sally" Noel said walking out and shutting my door over,
A few minutes passed and I heard little snores coming from Liam and I don't blame him for sleeping I was knackered too so I slid down onto my back the movement making Liam wake up a little "where ya going?" He said still half asleep "nowhere I'm just laying down" I said turning to face him "okay" he said wrapping me up in his arms and putting my head into his chest and wresting his head on mine not even 5 minutes and I was panned out, something about Liam made me feel safe like I could do anything, I think I had accepted at this moment with Liam I had feelings for him and I didn't even care anymore what anyone thought he made me feel something I'd never felt before,

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