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I was in my car driving through Manchester towards my new home in burnage, I've never moved before so this was kinda scary but I was just happy to start fresh here life hasn't been easy lately,

"maddie! Maddie! Look!" Anna called out to me from beside me drawing mine and Ethan's attention to her finger pointing out the window at our new council estate, there was lads on bikes and girls lighting up cigarettes just people everywhere on corners on walls and in windows, I lived in a much quieter estate before and now I'm surrounded by chaos, as we were driving the car jolted and I went flying through the middle of the two front chairs catching myself on the heads of them since all three of us were squashed in the back since mam thought the microwave needed a safe seat beside her, I looked up and met eyes with a boy, it was like the rest of his face wasn't there all I seen was these amazing big blue eyes staring at me, "Jesus! I nearly ran you over lad!" My mam laughed out since her window was open "nah nah it were my fault sorray" he said before nodding and continued cycling along "what a tit" I heard Ethan say as he rolled down his window lighting a cigarette "ETHAN HERRON ANYWHERE BUT MY CAR!" Mam shouted from the front seat using her automatic buttons on her door to roll up his window as she was driving,
About five minutes passed and we reached a red brick house that looked like the others but was slightly bigger since it was a 4 bed the council provides houses fit for your family and a 4 bed was perfect, "right grab boxes" mam said unlocking the door to the house "okay" Anna said before I turned around and stopped her "you just go in and mummy will show you your room princess okay?" I spoke in her ear she was very helpful for a 6 year old but I wasn't letting her not have a childhood like me and Ethan,
"Right sally you get this" Ethan said passing me a box that was filled with all my stuff, my names Madeline but I'm a massive stone roses fan and so is Ethan and he calls me sally as in sally cinnamon, I walked up the stairs and stood at the landing for a minute knowing I had first pick on a room, so i picked the room with a mirror wardrobe built into it and it was at the front of the house facing the house across from us, I sat on my bed that had been delivered here and built for me all I had to do was put bed clothes on it,
I filled up the shelves that were on the wall and filled my wardrobe with my clothes, I looked in my box filled with records and noticed my Beatles one my dad got me, it was revolver and it made me quite sad looking at it I didn't even notice the tear falling on my cheek til I heard Ethan speak "what's wrong Madeline?" He spoke concerned "nothing I just wish dad was still around even though he was awful I still love him so much" I spoke whimpering "it's okay Sally we're gonna be well appier ere without im" Ethan spoke his accent getting thicker as he spoke lower to me "yeah your right" I said "I think im gonna check that shop out before it closes I seen the sign it said it closed at 8 it's only 20 past 7 so I'll be back soon" i finished "you wanna get me a bottle of Fanta?" Ethan said still sitting on my bed "yeah pay me back though" I said chuckling while walking out of my bedroom,

As I walked down the road using my memory as a map, I seen the shop it was quite small but the stuff in looked good, "alright" I said opening the door "evening" the man at the counter spoke "have you got any Fanta back there in that stock room my brother will flip if I don't bring him it back" I said biting my lip out of nerves "yes we do I'll be back in a sec" he spoke again as he was back getting the Fanta I was looking at the magazines that had the Beatles all over them, "here you go is there anything else?" The man spoke again "erm just this" I said placing my snickers bar and coke can on the counter "lovely that 4 pound 80" the man spoke as I handed him a fiver "keep the change" I said with a smile "sorry I don't mean to be rude but I've never seen you around what's your name?" He asked me again "oh yeah im Madeline I just moved in up the road" I said looking at my hands "im Barry welcome to the neighbourhood" he said with a smile "thank you erm I better go I'll see you later" I said walking out the shop,

I reached home and and walked straight upstairs and into Ethan's room, he already started painting his walls a baked cherry red colour "here you are young man" I said handing him his drink "thanks mads" he said taking it "im gonna go to bed now Ethan night" I said giving him a hug, he was 6,2 so I was very much on my tippee toes he hugged me back and kissed my cheek "night night Sally" he spoke, I walked down to my room that was already a baby blue colour and face planted my bed I fell asleep straight away in my clothes and everything,

L•O•V•E•R // Liam Gallagher story Where stories live. Discover now