-Chapter Thirty- Laplace's Angel

Start from the beginning

She'd been staring to her left at the ocean for most of the ride crossing the bridge. Now, though, she pulled (H/n) to a halt as she saw the purple carriage ahead of her slow to a stop.

The door swung open, and Andrew stepped out. Like the rest of the Saporians, he was now outfitted with the alchemical spheres that Varian had been preparing, along with the rest of his weapons.

Y/n's grip tightened slightly on her reins. She hadn't forgotten what Varian had said- or, rather, implied- about Andrew. She still fully intended to have that talk with him later- apparently, it wasn't clear to him that hurting Varian would very quickly land him on the wrong side of Y/n's new wand.

He closed the door behind him, and the carriage waited, Andrew leaning by the railing of the bridge.

"Hey, kid!" he called out. "Wait up. We need to talk."

Cautiously, Y/n slipped out of her saddle, black boots landing silently on the white stone of the bridge. She rested one hand on (H/n)'s neck, like she was grounding herself. "Yeah?"

Andrew pulled his sword from its sheath and held it up to the sunlight, apparently checking his reflection in the blade.

"So, if we're talking about you and your boyfriend-"

"We're not a thing." Y/n interrupted quickly. Andrew raised his eyebrows, making an "I'll wait" face before he continued.

"I feel pretty safe saying that you're the scarier one. Half the kingdom thinks you're a ghost, after all, and the other half has seen you with that wand and assumed the rest."

Y/n frowned. Scary wasn't quite what she wanted, but if it got her acknowledged, she'd take what she could get. "How is this relevant?"

Andrew tilted his sword back outwards, away from his face. "It's relevant because Maisie's reported hearing some rumors from the townsfolk. Apparently, they're not too happy with what we're doing here."

His eyes narrowed. "There's talk of a revolution. Of people organizing, making a force to get your sister back."

Her eyes widened in horror. Sure, it was a reasonable response for the citizens, but this could take everything from Y/n. In fact, it'd make it much worse.

Her castle may be made of sand, but that didn't mean she could let it fall.

Andrew turned to her, any trace of friendliness gone from his features. "I want you to take care of it. Do what you have to. In fact, try to find an excuse to use those chemicals of yours. The amber would be best."

Y/n paused, the tiniest bit of conflict stirring in her heart. Maybe they were trying to overthrow the new system, but these were still her people, weren't they?

"...Is hurting them really necessary?" she asked hesitantly.

Andrew's voice went deathly quiet, his sword going still in his hand. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, just-" Y/n began to stutter. "The whole point of synthesizing the gas is so that they'll all forget about what we did, so if we could just wait a little longer, maybe using the amber isn't really necessary-"

"Listen here, kid." he said, his voice cold and cruel. His grip tightened on the sword. "If we say you need to use that amber on someone, you're going to use it."

Come on, Y/n, where's your spine?!

She straightened up. She was not letting this guy push her around.

"No." she reinforced. "You promised that no one would be harmed, so I'm not harming them. I have the Wand of Oblivium for a reason. I'm not going to hurt my own people when I could erase their memories just as easily."

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