Chapter Eight: Wellcome to love

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"[Childhood whispers, timeless love.]"

As I bustled around the mansion, ensuring every detail was perfect for the party, my excitement knew no bounds. Tonight was not just a celebration of my new home; it was a chance to reconnect with her, to show her how much she meant to me and to make up for lost time.

But as my secretary suddenly approached with a grave expression, her words struck me like a bolt of lightning. The news of her possible memory loss sent shockwaves through me, threatening to shatter the perfect image I had painted in my mind.

Fear gripped me as I grappled with the possibility of her forgetting everything we had shared-the laughter, the tears, the moments that had shaped us into who we were. How could I bear the thought of losing her all over again, this time to a cruel twist of fate?

With a sense of urgency coursing through me, I turned to my secretary and issued a flurry of commands, instructing her to leave no stone unturned in her investigation. Every detail, no matter how small, needed to be scrutinized to uncover the extent of her memory loss and any possible clues to its cause.

As she hurried off to carry out my orders, I retreated to the solitude of my study, a whirlwind of thoughts swirling in my mind. How could I navigate this delicate situation without causing her further distress? How could I gently probe the depths of her memory without overwhelming her?

With each passing moment, my resolve solidified. I needed to approach her with patience and understanding, guiding her through the maze of her forgotten past with care and compassion. And in the meantime, I would leave no stone unturned in my own investigation, determined to uncover the truth of what had transpired during my time abroad and how it might have affected her.

Armed with a plan, I set to work, mapping out every step with precision. Tonight would be about more than just hosting a party; it would be a test of my ability to navigate the complexities of love and memory, and to emerge victorious against whatever obstacles stood in our way. Trust me little princess I will fix every single thing.I will punish all those who have caused you so much pain.
As she stepped into the grandeur of the mansion, a vision of beauty and grace, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. Despite the uncertainty swirling within me, seeing her radiant smile eased the turmoil in my soul.With a sense of purpose, I took her hand in mine, guiding her through the crowd of guests with a confidence I didn't know I possessed. As we mingled among the throng of well-wishers, I felt a swell of pride knowing she was by my side.And then the moment came-the moment I had been dreading and yet, strangely, anticipating. With a steady voice, I introduced her.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming my fiancée, the woman who has captured my heart and illuminated my world in ways I never thought possible." With a flourish, I pressed a tender kiss to her hand, my gaze never leaving hers as I uttered those sacred words, sealing our fate in the eyes of the world.
As she led me to a quiet corner, her eyes searching mine with a mixture of confusion and hurt, I felt a flicker of guilt tug at my conscience. But before I could soften my stance, a wave of arrogance washed over me, drowning out any semblance of remorse.

"Why did I do it?" I repeated, my voice dripping with disdain. "Because I can, because I have every right to claim what's mine." My words were sharp, cutting through the air like a knife, leaving no room for argument.

"You're mine, don't you see? I've put you on display for the world to see, to show everyone that you belong to me and me alone." My tone grew colder with each word, a mask of superiority masking the turmoil within.

"You should be grateful," I spat, my anger rising to the surface. "Grateful that someone like me would even consider you worthy of being by my side." And with that final, callous remark, I turned on my heel and walked away, leaving her standing alone in the shadows, her heart heavy with the weight of my cruelty.
His frustration boiled over, a tempest raging within as he leveled a piercing gaze upon her, his words sharp and unforgiving.

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