Chapter Eight (Saera)

Start from the beginning


"She said to ask your father about the sleepover, didn't she?" Shit. I had so much going on with the news of my grandfather dying that I forgot to ask my father after my mother told me I needed to ask him.

I nodded softly. "Sorry, Izzie. I meant to ask him but it's been a crazy day."

"My mother's father died when I was four. I don't remember much of him but I remember my mother was sad for a while. Your father gave her a leave and paid for her to stay home with me and grieve. He handled the costs for a funeral too."

"Must be nice." I grumbled.

Isobel always speaks so highly of my father. She doesn't know the Robb Stark that I know. I suppose that's a good thing. It means he's good to the people but since I'm no longer his heir, don't I count as being one of his people now? One of his fucking subjects?

Although I can say he has been... Trying. In his own weird way.

"Well anyways," Isobel changed the subject. "Your grandmother was really nice to me earlier. She called me..." Her voice changed to a low whisper- "Lady Greyjoy..." Which caused my brows to reach my hairline.


"Your grandmother is Cersei Lannister. Queen of- nope. Sorry, I can't say that. It's treason." Her mouth slammed shut.

"Say it." I grit through my teeth. "If you are insulting my grandmother I want to hear what you have to say."

"Jacerys told me in confidence. I shouldn't repeat his words. I'm so sorry, Saera, I meant no harm." She's lying. I know she's lying.

I shook my head at her. "Jacerys would never speak poorly of our grandmother. Especially not Cersei. He's her baby. She loves him so much and has always spoiled him. Who truthfully spoke ill of her to you?"

Isobel reached for her cup and started to slurp down her wine when I slapped the cup away. Wine spilling on her gown but I didn't care. My nostrils flared with rage and it felt like flames were coming from them.

"Isobel." I demanded. "Tell me now."

"Theon and your father-"

"They spoke the words to you? Of all people in this world they'd talk shit about my grandmother to you?"

"They said something to my mother. And my mother told me." She admitted and this time I knew it was true. "Now can you pass me that napkin so I can get this wine off my gown? My mother will kill me if it stains."

"I'll kill you if you ever try to throw my brother's name into why you and your family are shit talking my family." I gripped the knife in my hand that I had been using to eat with, part of me wanting to stab Isobel in the eye and the other part of me wanting to cut her throat. Maybe I'll just stab my steak instead. Which is what I did.

Jacerys approached my table as I was stabbing into my steak. His eyes wide and he chuckled as he straightened up his leather vest that laid on his chest that he'd been working so hard to bulk up muscle on.

"Isobel," He said with a smirk until his gaze landed back on me stabbing my dinner. "Gods be good, Saera. I think the bull was dead when father shot his crossbow though it's skull."

I stabbed it again and then took a bite.

"As I was saying," Jacerys's voice always became flirty when he's around Izzie. "My father is throwing a big celebration next week. In honor of me being his heir. A fire show and performers. Tons of food and drink. But I need a belle of the ball, perhaps you'd like to mine for the evening, Lady Isobel?"

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